Chapter Six: Erica?

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Academy of Espionage; Rec Room

Washington, DC

June 29th

1100 hours

Ben's POV

"YES!" I exclaimed. It was Saturday morning, and me and Mike were in the Rec Room playing ping pong. Turns out, Zoe was wrong. The Idiot, or the Pirncipal, (wink wink), isn't giving us new dorms. He gave us a new Rec Room. Though I doubt it was his idea. 

"Why do you keep getting to spike it at me?" Mike whined. I smirked. "Because YOU keep hitting it super high." He rolled his eyes. "Let's play another round. Revenge!" I snorted. Like that was gonna happen. Mike sucked at ping pong. I was just about to serve when my phone vibrated. We weren't allowed to have ringtones in Spy School, as it might disrupt the class, or give you away on a mission. So it vibrated.

I got it out of my pocket and answered it. "Who is it?" Mike questioned. "It's Catherine! Maybe she found some fingerprints!" I exclaimed. Mike's eyes widened. "Be quiet, Ben! People might hear you!" I shut my mouth and then opened it again to answer the call, while running outside. We couldn't talk inside, or else somebody might overhear the conversation.

"Catherine?" I asked. "Benjamin! Get over to my apartment, please. And be speedy!" She hung up. I was concerned, terrified, and also excited. "Mike, Catherine wants us at her apartment. Now." He nodded and we ran down the street, trying not to attract much attention. I ran through the crowd at the entrance to the apartment and me and Mike just made it through to the elevator. Some people stared at us with confused, terrified, and disgusted expressions, but we didn't really care.

We hit floor 1, (We were on the Ground Level) got off, and charged to her apartment, number 128. I knocked on the door, and Catherine answered rather speedily, if I must say. "Benjamin! Michael! Lovely to see you, do come inside, I'm sure you've had a long walk," she said with a smile.

I was out of breath, but Mike looked like he simply had been walking his dog. Whatever. "So, what's the issue?" Catherine smiled. "It's not an issue, it's a solution! I checked for fingerprints, and they matched to Erica's." My eyes lit up. "Are you sure?" I asked. Mike nodded in agreement. "Yeah, if this is wrong, we don't want to start a mission up for nothing." Catherine was rummaging in something behind her. "Yes, I did the check three times. Also, I found some more evidence. Benjamin, I think you might know what this means?" 

She handed me yet another piece of flimsy paper. The paper wasn't of significance. It was what was written ON the paper that shocked me. There was a cluster of numbers written down on the paper, which were, "38.8860° N, 77.0214° W." I stared at the numbers incredulously. Erica knew that I had memorized the coordinates of almost every city, and even some important historical buildings. And these coordinates were one of them.

"Umm, Catherine?" I said, a smile creeping onto my face. "Yes, Benjamin? Do you know what those numbers mean?" I smirked. "I know exactly what they mean. These numbers, 38.8860° N, 77.0214° W, happen to be the coordinates to the Smithsonian Museum." Mike and Catherine's expressions were priceless. They stared at me in utter confusion. 

I answered for them. "I think that Erica wants to meet us there." Catherine nodded. "But, Benjamin, I believe I should run a fingerprint check on this too. We don't know whether it's a trap, and we don't want to get us into any trouble, now do we? You boys can follow me to the place where we do the checks, but you have to be silent unless spoken to. There are several other agents running important investigations." 

"Wait, how do you have access to the fingerprint checkers? You work at MI6!" Mike exclaimed. Catherine laughed. "Being in the family business, no matter what corporation, does give you a few perks. Now, let's skedaddle! We want to work quickly!"

We followed her to the room where they ran the fingerprint checks. It was filled with about seven other agents, all seeming annoyed that two children had been brought into the room. One of them, whom I recognized as an agent named Marissa, glared at us and then approached Catherine. "What is the meaning of this? This is a confidential agency. Why did you bring children in this room?!" 

Catherine stood her ground. "That happens to be confidential. However, I can assure you that my investigation is more important than every single one in this room. So hush your mouth, please." She then spun on her heel, gesturing for us to follow her. Marissa was still glaring at us, but knowing she had lost the fight. We walked to one of the scanners. She placed the note on the scanner and pressed a few buttons. It spit the note out the other end. She then walked to a computer and started typing. 

"Well, looks like we have a match, children." She smiled and showed us the screen. It was Erica Hale. "Now, It looks as if we might be heading to the Smithsonian Museum rather soon. Go pack your bags, we're leaving tomorrow morning, boys. Oh, and don't forget, Zoe will be attending this mission as well."

I hung my head. Zoe was probably still angry at me. Whatever, she'd apologize after we gave her all the proof. Mike volunteered to do it. He said that it was just because Zoe and me were in a fight, but I suspected it was because he has a huge crush on her. Oh, well. Better get started to pack for yet another life-threatening mission. This time, to save Erica.

Hey guys! Oh my gosh! I can't believe it, we hit 70 views on this book! I'm thrilled, thanks for all the support! Please comment and tell me how I can improve, or if you enjoyed the book! Thanks to all those who have already commented! I appreciate it! The word count for this is 968, not including the author's note. Until next time!

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