Chapter Fourteen: Loose Ends

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DC; Catherine's Car

Somewhere in DC

July 3rd

0600 hours (6 AM)

Ben's POV

I woke up in Catherine's car.  It was barely light outside, yet Erica was already awake, looking composed and competent as usual. Zoe and Mike were asleep still.

 I seriously doubt Erica even slept a moment this whole trip. Although she hadn't glanced away from her phone, she said to me, "Morning." I yawned, and trying to hide the excitement that Erica had spoken to me, replied, "Morning. Did you fix your phone?"

Erica looked disapprovingly at me. "No. I don't know what happened to it, but I've been discussing some stuff with Mom and we need you to help us answer some questions." Slightly confused, I nodded in agreement. "What's the question?"

Catherine spoke next. We were no longer driving, but parked in front of a shabby looking hotel, so it was safe for her to face me. "When you infiltrated CROTOAN's base, did you hear any voices from the agents or any particular ways of speech? A different language, accent, etcetera?" 

I thought for a moment and sighed. "I don't exactly remember. I was really tired, thanks to her," I remarked, indicating Erica. Erica frowned at me but then her face changed and she smiled. "I'll hold your hand if you tell us," she said quietly. 

My mind immediately focused and I replied, "One of the agents had a British accent." Catherine and Erica both smiled proudly at me, and I heard Erica say, "Thought so." It sounded like she had already told Catherine about the British accent, but needed me to confirm. Still, I had other things on my mind. I tapped Erica on the shoulder. 

"You said you'd hold my hand," I said. Erica rolled her eyes. "Didn't say when," she replied, with a smile still on her face. "But you did that same thing when we were trying to get in the Idiot's office! That's not fair!" I exclaimed. She just smiled again and said, "And you fell for it again."

"Aww, you two are so cute together. I ship-" Catherine said, but was then interrupted by Erica smacking a hand over her mouth. "If you finish that sentence, I'll rip off your kneecaps," she hissed. Catherine frowned at her and replied, "You would not be able to do that in the first place. I am your mother and I can outfight you in any battle. As well as that, I'm well aware of how you-" 

Erica interrupted again and announced loudly, "Wake Zoe and Mike up, let's go into the hotel so we can discuss our plans and thoughts." I couldn't help but notice how her face was a slight tinge of pink. Either I'm colorblind- or Erica is embarrassed. Most likely the former, sadly.

Catherine flashed me a small smile and I turned pink as Erica woke up Zoe and Mike. With a water bottle. By pouring it on their heads. A wonderful way to wake up in the morning. And a normal way for Erica to wake people up. I'm glad she didn't wake me up like that.

"Wha-WHAT!" Exclaimed Mike, just now waking up, drenched in water. "WHAT THE HECK!" Erica just smiled slightly and did the same to Zoe, who took it better but still shot Erica a disgusted look. 

Zoe yawned and said, "It's only 6 am. How are we supposed to save the world if we're so tired we can't even open our eyes?" 

Erica snorted and replied, "If I can sleep for 1-2 hours every night, and still manage to take out enemy agents just fine, you should be able to sleep for 9 hours and at least open your eyes. Now get up," she said as she jumped gracefully out of the car and walked to the hotel entrance with her suitcases.

Zoe rolled her eyes and then stood up and exited the car, and Mike did likewise. I followed them after grabbing my suitcase, making sure not to trip over a rock this time. Catherine walked behind me and we entered the lobby.

 Erica had already transformed into her new character and was now booking us a room, and was speaking to a young boy at the desk, looking slightly older than Erica, maybe 15-16. We caught up to her, and then we heard her. She was now Sasha Rokto.

"So, I was like, driving to Washington DC, and I saw this, like, awesome sauce hotel, and I was all like, 'Let's go here, it'll be totes amazing,' and so I did, and now I like am sooo glad I stopped," she said, smacking gum in her mouth loudly. I don't know where she got it from, her utility belt was in her suitcase. 

The boy seemed to not hear anything she was saying but simply smiled and nodded. I think he was entranced by her beauty. He didn't even seem to notice that Mike and Zoe were both drenched in water. Erica smiled at him and thanked him, and then turned on her heel and went over to the elevator. We followed.

We stepped in the elevator and Erica pressed floor three. As she did this, Zoe opened her mouth to speak, but Erica slapped a hand over her mouth and hissed, "Don't say anything."  Zoe shot me a confused look but complied.

We then exited the elevator and entered the hotel room, number 316. Erica used a keycard and opened the door. The room was similar to the one we'd had before, yet it was only one hotel room with two bedrooms, each one having two full beds, along with a fold-out couch in the main room.

Erica closed the door and locked it, and then said, "Never speak in a newly discovered place. The elevator might have been bugged and then you would have given everything away." "What are you talking about? I was just going to ask you if you used the last of the water bottles to dump on my head!" Zoe exclaimed, now furious, and then retreated to her room.

Erica looked confused about this whole ordeal, so while Mike and Zoe and Catherine unpacked, she asked me, "Why did she get mad? I just basically saved our lives, if that elevator was bugged." I sighed. While Erica was deadly, extremely intelligent, and beautiful, she had a difficult time understanding human emotions.

"She's mad at you for dumping water on her head," I replied. However, I thought it might be something else. Zoe had recently admitted to having a crush on me. I was still confused between whether to choose her or Erica, and I hadn't made up my mind in time for her, so she left me in the dust. I had a feeling this was another reason she was angry.

"It's just a little water, it doesn't hurt anyone," Erica said, quite reasonably. I nodded and then answered, "I think she's mad at you for being nice to me when you betrayed me, or so she thought, and she's taking out her anger and frustration that was meant for me on you because I trusted you." 

Erica stared at me and then said, "The mind of a normal teenage girl is more complicated than defusing a nuclear bomb." I nodded and then pointed out, "But you're a teenage girl." She rolled her eyes and then said, "But I'm not a normal one." 

With that and a small smile, she got up and went to go unpack her suitcase, which consisted of bombs, guns, knives, throwing stars, a utility belt, and pepper spray. Along with about 50 other weapons I can't identify. 

I unpacked as well with my shared room with Mike and then we all met in the main room. Catherine smiled sympathetically and then told us, "We need to work together to figure this out, so I'd appreciate it if we don't get in a quarrel about foolish matters." We all agreed, with the exception of a reluctant Zoe.

"Now, Ben told us a key piece of information that's exceptionally helpful, children," Catherine continued. "He told us one of the agents in their "infiltration" had a British accent. Do you know who? And I do promise it wasn't me," she finished with a laugh. 

I thought about it for a while but came up empty, along with Zoe, Mike, and Erica. So far mission wasn't getting very far. I hadn't the foggiest idea on who it was, or where Murray Hill was. We were without any information.

Or we would have been, had three enemy agents not busted our hotel door down and pranced inside.

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 14, it was a lot of fun to write! 1443 words, without this note! Please comment on this book if you have any ideas or predictions, I love to hear them! And please.. could you... possibly.. push the ... vote button? Maybe? I'd appreciate it ALOT! Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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