Chapter Eleven: Ryan Who?

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DC; Catherine's Car

Somewhere in DC

June 31st

0400 hours

Ben's POV

Catherine picked us up in her SUV. Erica's face had turned back to emotionless, and she seemed embarrassed that I'd witnessed her brief burst of emotions. I though was thrilled. Erica was able to laugh!

After Erica and I had been scolded, (and I was given a blueberry muffin, while Erica refused it. She said it had too many carbs), Catherine said, "Tomorrow morning, we're going to head over to my friend's house. She'll help us with the case. And no sneaking out to infiltrate bases, you two," she finished with a wink.

Erica groaned. "We aren't going to that friend's house, right?" Catherine stared at her. "Of course we are, dear. Who else did you think I meant?" Erica frowned. "Why them? I hate them!" She exclaimed, with a flicker of emotion.

Catherine rolled her eyes. I was just sitting there, confused. "What do you mean, 'them'? Who's 'them'?" Catherine smiled at me. "My friend. Her name is Danielle. Erica doesn't like them, because, well, her son has a bit of a crush on Erica," she said, stifling a laugh.

"Be quiet!" Erica snapped. Catherine turned to her. "Don't tell your mother to be quiet, dear. Besides, it won't be that bad. Ryan is 13 now, he ought to be a tad bit more mature." Erica looked furious, and I can confirm she wasn't the only one.

Somebody had a crush on Erica? I had a crush on Erica. Surely Erica didn't like... but she was angry! Why else would she be angry? Did Erica like this boy back? He had better get lost. I'm not a very good fighter.. but I can make an exception to this "Ryan" kid.

Catherine turned the car and continued driving. "Erica," I whispered. "Do you- uh- like- this kid?" I stuttered, not wanted to get punched. Erica turned to me. Her eyes could show she was angry. "Of course not, idiot! I hate him! He drives me crazy!" she whisper-yelled. "But I don't drive you crazy," I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes at me, but I thought I saw a smile on her lips as she turned away.

We entered the hotel and I fell on my bed, exhausted. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep...


I woke up to the coffee machine. In the other room. In my defense, it was loud. I quickly pulled on a t-shirt and some jeans and walked into the other room, where everyone was ready and eating breakfast. Erica looked particularly stunning. Despite wearing just a sweatshirt and some jeans, she looked as beautiful as ever.

"Nice of you to finally join us," she said with a smirk. Catherine smiled at me and gave me a glass of orange juice and a slice of pumpkin bread. Catherine noticed the look on my face. "I made it the night before we left. I thought it might be a good breakfast," she supplied helpfully. 

I swallowed my breakfast quickly and we headed out the door. We went down the elevator and walked out the exit, and then climbed into Catherine's SUV. Catherine had told Mike and Zoe about the infiltration, and they both seemed slightly disappointed they hadn't been in on it as well. Zoe also looked a bit jealous.

Catherine then slammed on the pedal and we drove for around 10 minutes until we approached a rather normal and basic looking neighborhood. The houses looked fairly similar. Catherine parked in front of a dark blue colored house with wooden shutters. We all exited the car and walked up to the door, and Erica looked particularly sour. 

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