Chapter Twelve: Not Who You Think It Is

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DC; Catherine's Car

Somewhere in DC

July 1st

0400 hours

Ben's POV

We skedaddled out of the house with Danielle looking sad and Ryan looking absolutely furious. That made me smile, slightly. Catherine frowned at Erica and told her, "We were supposed to plot the infiltration with them!" Erica pursed her lips and replied," I cannot comply with people who make me want to vomit." I laughed internally at this, and though, sucks to be you, Ryan.

I sat back in the car, feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed. Erica had just admitted to who CROATOAN had blackmailed her with, and it was me. I wasn't sure whether to be thrilled or terrified. With Erica, you never know.

Catherine's SUV had seven seats, the driver's seat, passenger seat, two chairs in row one, and three chairs in row two. I climbed into the back row, and to my surprise, Erica sat next to me. Zoe and Mike climbed into the front row and Catherine did likewise, and then got us onto the road.

Erica turned to face me without a trace of emotion on her face. "For your information, the thing that was just discussed has absolutely nothing to do with- a- gag- relationship. I'm just nice enough to not want you to die. Stupid emotions," she muttered. I nodded and turned away from her. Most people would be depressed after hearing this, but not me. Why, you ask?

Erica Hale did like me. To start it off, she kissed me. Once. We thought we were going to die, but that makes no difference. Secondly, she had just denied she liked me even a tiny bit. Denial? It sounds oddly suspicious. I'll ask Mike later. He's the expert on girls.

Although my relationship with Erica was something I liked discussing, I had another priority on my mind. I turned to face Erica again. "Erica, has Ryan always had messy brown hair?" She pursed her lips, thinking. "I haven't seen him in a very long time, but as I recall, he had light sandy hair before-" She stopped, and then her eyes went wide.

"You- you don't think it's- him?" I asked her, as she seemed as still as a statue. She frowned. "It's definitely a possibility. I'm such an idiot!" Zoe turned around and glanced at us suspiciously. "Who's an idiot?" She asked. Mike joined the conversation as well. "Yeah, who?"

I sighed. "Nothing, we were just talking about how much we hate the Auburn tigers team and how Alabama is so much better-" Zoe cut me off. "Ben, I'm training to be a spy. And so is Mike. We aren't idiots, unlike the person you are obviously discussing without us." 

"Yeah," Mike added. "And for the record, Alabama sucks." I gasped at this. "You hate Alabama? How could you! It's the best college football team in history!" I exclaimed. Mike rolled his eyes. "Exactly why I hate them."

"Would you shut up about football and get to the point?" Zoe exclaimed testily. I had no idea how to explain this to them. It was a crucial piece of information, and something incredibly shocking, nonetheless.

I turned to Erica with help. She shrugged. "Fine," Erica replied coldly. "We were talking about 'Ryan', or so-called Ryan." Mike looked confused. "'So-called'? What do you mean?" Erica glanced at me once more and then confirmed my biggest fears. I was right. Erica was right. And this whole mission got a lot testier with this bit of information.

"That kid, he isn't Ryan," I supplied helpfully. Zoe still looked confused. "Get to the point, will you?" Erica snapped at me. I sighed.

"It's not Ryan, because it's Murray Hill."

Sorry, this chapter is short, and sorry I've been keeping you waiting! I had a bit of writer's block, or actually, quite a lot. I do hope you've enjoyed it, though! This is a very important chapter! Have a blessed day, and also... ROLL TIDE! - Mary Lolo (My nickname, if you didn't know)

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