Chapter Ten: Isn't It Obvious?

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Somewhere?; CROATOAN's base.

Somewhere in DC

June 31st

0330 hours

Ben's POV

I turned to Erica and whispered, "I thought you said this was just reconnaissance!" She rolled her eyes at me. "You can be extremely smart sometimes, but you suck at common sense, Ben. Isn't it obvious?" I frowned. "Uhm, no? That's why I'm asking!" I whisper-yelled. "How else did you expect me to get you on this mission? Telling you that our lives were at risk and we'd probably get shot to death by 50 CROATOAN agents isn't exactly appealing, is it?"

I exploded. "You lied to me? I don't want to get shot to death!" Her eyes went wide. "Be quiet, idiot! And you won't get shot as long as you're with me. Now shut up or they'll hear us!" She hissed.

I rolled my eyes, exasperated. "So we're stuck in a garage with nothing but our utility belts, in the middle of the night, trying to take down the evilest organization on the planet, by ourselves?" She smirked. "You thought I didn't pack any weapons?" At this, she removed two guns from her shoe and held one out to me. "You're giving me a gun?" I asked. 

She shrugged. "Practice makes perfect. Come on, we're gonna sneak into the house." I sighed and followed her around a convertible in the garage. "How many agents do you think there are inside?" I asked. "No more than three. I've been watching this house on my phone, day and night, and three is the lowest number I could get. So we're breaking in now."

So we walked to the door that led into the house. I was terrified. Still clutching my gun like my life depended on it, (which it probably did), I watched Erica pick the lock with a hairpin and she slowly pushed it open. 

Immediately afterward, we darted into the nearest room and hid behind a sofa. I scanned the room, trying to figure out where the agents were. I heard some voices, but they sounded far-off and distant. I turned towards Erica. "They aren't close," I whispered. She nodded and lifted her gun, and then stood up from behind the couch to look at the room.

After a few seconds, she gestured for me to get up. "We're gonna have to approach the agents," she said, quite plainly. "What?" I whisper yelled. "We just successfully got in and you want to go to risk our lives when we could just get what you're looking for and leave?"

She groaned. "We're looking for agents, genius. We have to take them out or knock them unconscious. And then we can bring them back to the apartment and interrogate." "Oh, right," I said, quite embarrassed that I hadn't caught on before that. "So let's go, and if you make any noise, we're dead meat." I nodded and we snuck out of the room, following the voices of the enemy agents.

I looked around. We had just come through the entrance, and to the right was the sofa room, which we hid in. The whole house seemed to be a very long hallway. There were several rooms on each side, but the noise seemed to be coming from the farthest room to the left. I pointed to that room and Erica nodded. We couldn't risk talking, they might overhear us.

Erica held up one finger, then two, and then three. And then we leaped into the room, armed with guns, ready to attack. Then Erica and I saw something very confusing. There was no one in the room. It was simply an empty room with two sofa's, a few lamps, and a desk.

I looked towards Erica quizzically, but she was already inspecting the room. And then it hit me. There was a computer sitting on a desk. I rushed over to it and saw what I needed. A recording. A recording of people laughing and talking. I smashed the play button, hoping to hear some secrets or important information, but none of it made any sense.

Whoever set this up wanted us to hear something, but at the same time, hear nothing. I hung my head in defeat. However, Erica wasn't giving up this easily. She eyed the computer and understood everything I'd been thinking. I opened my mouth to speak, but her eyes silenced me. She stared around the room. I had no idea what she was looking for- 

Until three enemy agents jumped out at us from the hallway. And they were armed. I yelped in fright, which might have been slightly wimpy, but it was terrifying. Erica, on the other hand, was prepared for this. She darted towards two of the agents, which were both men, and started to fight them. I saw her knock the guns out of their hands and then knock them unconscious. Wow. 

I, though, scampered on the floor and grabbed the weapons that the enemy agents had dropped,  and threw them to Erica, who caught them and shoved them in her shoes. I decided I'd try to fight the third agent, and started kicking at them.

I wasn't very successful, I'll say. Erica shot me a disdainful look and then proceeded to knock the third agent unconscious. She smiled at her work and then turned to me. "Little help? Call my Mom. With MY phone, it's untraceable."

I nodded as she handed me her phone. I clicked the phone icon and then smashed 'Catherine'.  The dialing tone started and rang three times before a perky voice picking up. "Erica, dear? Why on earth are you calling me at this time?" Erica rolled her eyes. I silently laughed. "Hey Catherine, it's Benjamin! We could use some help..." I then explained everything that happened. 

"I'll be right there. And you two are in for it, sneaking out to infiltrate their base? Without us?" She hung up,  and Erica and I were left in the room.  Erica sighed, and said, "Well, that went well, don't you think?" And I couldn't help it. I laughed. And to my surprise, Erica did too. We just laughed so hard we cried, and the whole time I was shocked that Erica could laugh. 

Maybe the infiltration didn't go too well, but my friendship with Erica sure seemed to be headed in the right direction.

1056 words! A little shorter than usual, sorry about that! Thanks for 300+ views, it means so much to me! Have a great day, and don't forget to comment! Until next time!

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