The Fateful Encounter~

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You sigh looking out the window.

'Its raining really hard today..' letting out a deep sigh as you looked back to the class. You sat in the middle row, right next to the window a seat on the right, surprisingly the teacher doesn't call on much in the middle row much, especially the right. 'this class sucks ass' you thought, looking around at your classmates taking notes, or just talking to each other. Phones weren't allowed in class no matter what, something you highly disagreed of, but you couldn't do nothing about it. Like always.

The bell then rang. 'schools over' you thought as you took your bag and immediately took your phone out of the bin you had to drop your phone in and left the classroom. As you walked to hallways you felt your phone vibrate wondering who it could be since the only contact number you had on your phone was your parent and some acquaintances that you hardly ever texted or called.

Mom: "Sorry sweetie, but well be coming back in 5 months, we've been given tons of work now that your father has become the CEO over here. We'll send you some money as an apology."

'god dammit again with that excuse?!

(Y/N): "Its fine, I understand. I wish you both the best with work. Love you both"

read 3:30 pm

"damn not even a 'I love you too' back?"

You then see a couple people's head turn towards you and noticed what you've done. 'fuck i said that out loud.' flustered, you  quickly walk towards the exit not remembering the fact that its raining and didn't  have an umbrella. 'Shit I'm gonna get drenched.' you thought as you look at the other students running towards their houses or opening their umbrella. 'Welp guess we're running in the rain' you start running towards the direction of your house, it wasn't that far but it wasn't that close either, but you had good stamina so you could easily run to your house.

As you were getting closer to your home, you felt somebody come from behind and place a jacket on you. 'who in the world-' you looked back and saw him. Hisoka Morrow, the gug who every single girl in your school fell for. "We cant risk having beautiful girls like you getting sick~~" "Thanks, but you can have it back." you quickly responded looking at him with a dull expression taking off the jacket. "No please~ I insist..~" as he pushes the jacket back onto you. You groan and respond, "and I insist, that you can have it back." you take off the jacket give it to him in his hands, whether he likes it or not and quickly start running off. you mumble, "Weird guy I swear-" "Weird what~?" you yell in surprise "holy shit you clown!"

You quickly cover your mouth in surprise worried if the people in the neighborhood heard, meanwhile Hisoka stopped in his tracks laughing like crazy, making you stop as well and stare as him for a while until he finally clamed himself down."uhm, are you high..?" "haha, noo~ i was just taken aback from your comment~" he looks at you, making eye contact making his yellow amber eyes glow in the clouded air and gray sky. "You're quite amusing if I may say so myself~ far more amusing than those other girls in our school~" "Yeah good for me, now can you stop bothering me, I drenched and I'm trying to go home." Hisoka then looks at you, up and down noticing that you could see the color of your bra and how curvy your body was. He stared at it for a while not noticing you were in front of him. "Hello..? anyone in there?!" you say as you wave your hand in front of his face" " apologies, I was lost in thought~" you ignore his comment and start walking towards your house, since you didn't need to bother running anymore since you were right in front of your house.

"Well then goodbye." you say as you start unlocking the door of your house. "Aren't you going to invite me in~" you feel a knot form on your head. ' the WORLD, is the damn clown talking about.' you slowly turn your head around. "fuck no" you flip him off and slam the door shut causing him to smile 'What an amusing girl~ I cant wait to break her~'


After you finished taking your hot both you quickly changed into a white robe, you tide it tightly making sure it hugs your body so it wont randomly fall off. You then checked your book bag to take out your homework and notice that you didn't take it. You sighed deeply and flopped onto your bed, you reached out for your phone scrolling through Instagram and noticed you had a message in your dm's. 'hmm...what the heck'.

bungeegum23: "Hello my love~"

'what the fuck. who the hell is th- Hisoka.'

y/n111: "Your fucking with me right?"

bungeegum23: "Ohh~ taking the lead are we now~"

y/n111: " You know I don't mean it like that, why are you messaging me?"

bungeegum23: "Oh~ you know I'm a little hurt, i thought we were friends~ </3'"

y/n111: "Don't act all butt hurt now, we were never friends, and I don't need them. SO if that's all then please stop messaging me."

bungeegum23: "I have to give it to ya~ you certainly entertain me~ why don't we meet up one day~~"

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To be continued~~


Holy shit this almost took me 2 hours cause i was writing this during class and my computer died on me and I completely blanked out of what i was going to write so i had to remember the whole script I had in mind for this chapter! but i finally finished it so please let me know if i have nay spelling errors and anything like that!

Thank you for reading~

(this isnt the end btw!!)

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