The Seasons~

571 18 11

6 months later...


"Fuckin hell! it's so god damn hot!" you groaned, it was mid-may and it was dangerously hot already.

"Still questioning why would you wear that to school knowing it was going to be hot today."

"Shut the fuck up Chrollo, the weather could've easily changed." you muttered, fanning yourself with your hands barely doing anything. "You've got quite fond of us haven't you y/n~" Hisoka smiled, his eyes boring into yours as he then lied down onto your lap.

"Yeah whatever, get off you're way too heavy and it's too hot for this!" you whined, You, Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi have built up your friendship by a bunch over the past 6 months, keeping it on the low in public since they surprisingly respected as you explained further, now hanging out together on the school rooftop during lunch.

"By the way y/n, is your outfit supposed to represent bondage in some way?" The monotone man asked, which was of course Illumi.

'Ah fuck'

You started blushing since it was true, and also for getting caught since no one in this school had any kinks and are SUPER vanilla. 'Play it cool!' probably can't since you were blushing anyways.

"Even if it was, how would, or did you know?" You snapped back, crossing your arms in the process, bouncing your leg up and down so Hisoka would get off, him happily obliging?

"I caught my younger brother, Milluki watching this porn video and she had bandaged wrapped around her body, especially her arms."

Chrollo almost choked on his own spit as he heard what Illumi said, causing him to close his book and lose track of the book. Hisoka raising an eyebrow but being slightly intrigued in the conversation.

"I certainly don't think i needed to know that but, yeah I guess it does" You said, sighing uncrossing your arms. 'No point in even hiding it honestly'

"I'm so boreddd!" whined Hisoka, everyone here was too. Summer was around the corner so of course everyone had gotten lazy and half-assed things and with this heat everyone was practically dying.

"A hot spring would look so nice right now.." you muttered, flopping into the floor completely into a starfish position.

"even the floors hot.." you clicked your tongue.

"I have a hot spring in my house."


everyone had got up immediately, including Illumi as his eyes widened even more than usual. "Can we please go after to school!" Hisoka begged, folding his hands and scooting towards Chrollo giving him puppy eyes. "Yeah can we!!!" You did the same, but since you were already next to him you got even closer, your breast slightly pressing against his arm.

Usually Chrollo wouldn't exactly react to this as it's been done multiple times but since it was you it had he definite reaction, which was of course...blushing his ass off.

Hisoka noticed of course, and so did Illumi, jealousy building up inside of them, Chrollo also noticed the way they were looking at him, and of course since he had the upper hand he was sure to use this advantage well. It's been a compilation ever since. Chrollo smiled devilishly back the the two quickly before turning towards you. He leaned closer to your face, boring his dark gray eyes into you before smiling innocently.

"Of course..anything for you my love."  

You surprisingly didn't have any reaction to this act. Months of being with them and hanging out that it wasn't even a surprise, you were turning into a Illumi 2.0 at this point. At least that was how it was being demonstrated on the outside. In the inside you were burning up, you always were.. they did so much embarrassing or things that was so unnecessary that you were always blushing on the inside (if that makes sense idrk)

"Thanks y/n." 

"For what?"

"For using your looks to make Chrollo take us to the hot spring he has" 

"What do you mean by that Illumi?" cocking your head to the side. 

"He's never either wanted or invited anyone to his house, it's always been a mystery." He answered rightfully, standing up to dust himself off since you were all sitting on the floor.

 "I..didn't know that?" You said, turning your head towards Chrollo, which was already looking at you immediately making eye contact for a while. 





"Welp, that's our cue." you said, being the 2nd one to stand up, later on Chrollo and Hisoka.

"See you guys later I guess?" You said, waving at them as you walked off towards the door to exit out of the roof.


"What the fuck was that Chrollo?!" 

"I agree." 

"What was what?" Chrollo asked innocently as the trio walked the empty halls towards their class.

"That lean in on her face dumbass!" Hisoka flared, Illumi staring at him with his blank eyes. Chrollo hummed as he closed his book.

"Hmm, I don't think it matter anyways, I'm gonna be the one with her in the end." Illumi said as he approached the class, extending his arm to slide the door. "And what makes you so sure of that?" Hisoka and Chrollo both said simultaneously. 


"And what makes you think you three can be this late to class?!" The teacher flared. 

"Sorry, we got into some trouble on the way Mr. Netero, It won't happen next time." Chrollo added in, walking toward his desk. 

"Mmcht, whatever at this point." He said, sucking his teeth and continuing back to the lesson. 'Stupid rich kids'


'Finally school's over!'  you screamed eternally in your head, arching your  back into a stretch and letting out a small groan of relief. 'Hot Spring here i come bitches!' you yelled in your head running towards the exit (which you shouldn't have been doing) before bumping into a smaller figure, making them stumble back and fall onto their butt.

"Oh..sorry are you okay?" You said worried, you were running quite fast. You extended your hand out to them crouching a little to the blonde haired figure still scrambling to find whatever she might have dropped.

"Oh fuck i just lost my lipstick!" She yelled, making a sweatdrop on your temples 'oh fuck' "I can help you look for it?" You offered, still having your hand extended out for her to take. She took your hand finally not catching a good glimpse of you. The blonde finally looked towards you, seeing how you were taller than her (she's 4'1) "Woah you're like..wayy more taller than me" she exclaimed, looking at you with a brow raised. 

"Well then i guess you better buy me another lipstick.." she sighed crossing her arms "It was for a date i had with Hisoka today and didn't get to put it on, by the way it was a Kylie cosmetic so you need to pay up" she sighed again, looking at her nails which were chopped as FUCK.

You giggled on the inside 'what the fuck does this bitch take me for?' "Sorry to disappoint but i'm not buying you jack SHIT, it's not my fault you didn't grip it tight enough now if you'll excuse me i have a hot spring im looking forward too" You said with your face in disgust as you had to look down to talk to her. 

Her face was priceless! she was burning red in frustration-ness and embarrassment as a couple of her friends were listening in on the conversation. You smirked before running off towards the exit. "Go fuck yourself you giant!" She yelled from the hallway, mean while you were already outside approaching the school gates.

"Loud-ass fucking midget i swear!" You exclaimed cheerfully as you saw Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo standing right in front of gates waiting for you smiling at you. 

'I can't wait to go the hell out of this school!'


~To be continued

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