Chapter 11: Her Pain. His Promise. Their Loss.

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--Kenna's POV--

I smiled as I watched Rylen laughing and smiling. Dad was smiling and laughing as he played peek-a-boo with Rylen which caused some of the guys to make a remark that got them in trouble.

It had been hours since the group left for the trade. To say I was worried was an understatement. I was terrified, scared and just about everything else you could think of at the moment.

What if something happened to Ryker or Ryder? What if something happened to both of them? What would I do? What would happen? So many questions and yet there was no answer to them. I was left with a million questions, no answers and a lot of time.

Dad handed me Rylen so he could talk to Uncle Nick for a second. I smiled and bounced my son and enjoyed hearing his laughter. Those bright green eyes that matched his fathers shined with excitement and wonder.

"You're growing up so fast little man." I said kissing his cheek "You gotta stop growing on me."

The door flew open and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked. Two guys who went out with the group came bustling in covered in dirt, cuts and blood.

"We were attacked." Muse said as the guy we were trading with walked in followed by what was left of his men, which was like three.

"Where's everyone else?" Dad asked shooting a glance my way

"They were right behind us."

A car engine could be heard, the squealing of tires, gravel flying up and then Gunner's voice rang out.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR" He screamed

I immediately handed Rylen to Sammy and took off outside.

"Kenna!" Dad, Uncle Nick, Isis and Kade yelled following me

"Kenna, no!" Gunner yelled trying to grab me but I dodged him

Skidding to a stop at the back of the car I flung the trunk door open and my heart stopped. Tears flooded my eyes, my heart felt like it had been stabbed.

"NO" I screamed and went to climb into the car but Ryder was fast

He was outside of the car within a millisecond holding me back.

"Kenna..." He said tightening his grip around my waist

"RYKER." I screamed as tears poured down my face "God, no, please, no."

Blood. Lots of blood. I could see the multiple gunshot wounds to his torso, the blood soaking his shirt and the floorboard of the car, the stillness of his chest indicating he was gone.

I screamed again and Ryder pulled me away from the car and I watched as some club members carefully pulled Ryker's lifeless body from the car and towards the room we dubbed as 'Death'. Ryder took me to my room and held me as I cried and after about three hours I told him to get out.

Three weeks. It's been three weeks since Ryker was murdered. In the last three weeks I have ignored everyone and locked myself in my room. As much as I hate to say it, I've even ignored my own son. I couldn't face anyone. That night after telling Ryder to leave me alone for a bit, I went to calm Rylen down from his crying but the second I laid eyes on him all I saw was Ryker and it broke my heart. It was hard to look at my son so I had Isis take care of him.

I ignored everyone, my dad, Uncle Nick, Isis, Kade, Rylen, Gunner, Muse and Ryder.

Walking out of the kitchen I headed back to my room.

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