Chapter 8: Angel & Toothless vs. Alpha

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It's going down for real!!!



We flew through the clouds still on the backs of the baby dragons. Looking ahead, I got a bit worried seeing Berk swarmed by dragons and the Alpha. "No," said Hiccup. I glanced to him then back at Berk to see the Alpha was the one with all the dragons.

'He must've taken control of them all.'

"He took all the dragons!" said Fishlegs. "Distract the Alpha and Drago! Try to keep their focus off of Toothless and Angel!" said Hiccup. I saw Drago yanking at Angel making her shoot and destroy houses and what not. Some people were running around screaming while I growled not liking how he was treating my dragon. "Um... how do we do that?" asked Tuffnut. "Have you forgotten who you're riding with? There's not a dragon alive that I can't wrangle!" boasted Eret. The baby dragon that he was on dove down. "Except for this one!"

"Ameatur," stated Snotlout. We got closer and people had spotted us. "Hey look, it's Hiccup and Kaida!" They cheered. We flew closer to the ground and everyone landed sliding off the baby dragons except Hiccup. I looked up at him go towards the Alpha, Drago and our dragons. I hope he be very careful. "Kaida!" called someone. "Huh?" I looked to see my dad running to me. "Dad!" I met him half way and we both hugged. "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried about you!" he said. "I know and I'm okay but Drago has Angel," I said. "So I see," Dad replied. I then remembered something. "Where's Floss?" I asked. I heard a purr and looked to see Floss un camouflage his front part nudging my hand. I smiled and pet him. "Hey boy, nice job keeping low."

"I was confused as to why he wasn't affected by the Alpha..." he trailed. "He's of a different class with their own Alpha," I said remembering Angel was also unaffected so that had to be the answer. I looked all of a sudden to see the gang catapult sheep at the Alpha. "Keep em coming!" said Ruffnut. "Black sheep baby!" said Snotlout. The horn blew and the Alpha looked towards it but back at the others only to have the sheep fall down its face. "10 points!" said Snotlout. They laughed but then the Alpha spat ice out at them making them run away.

There was a yell then a boom and I looked to see Hiccup nearly fall off the baby dragon cause Drago had Angel shooting at him. "Hiccup!" I jumped back onto the baby dragon and it went up. "Floss!" Floss growled then ran and jumped onto a near house and shot the Alpha then shot the chain connecting Angel to Drago a couple of times. He was still camouflaged by the way. Drago tried to hit Toothless but was thrown off and fell dragging Angel down with him. I jumped off the baby dragon. "I've got you Angel!" I got back on Angel while Hiccup got back on Toothless. "I missed you so much girl!" She purred trying to lick me.

Hiccup came up to me on Toothless and we both looked at the Alpha and Drago. "That dragon is going to keep following his orders," I said. "We need to get them apart," said Hiccup. "Do something!" Drago yelled at the Alpha. The Alpha shot ice at us but both Toothless and Angel dodged it. Hiccup flew by a flag and ripped off a piece. "Do you trust me?" he asked Toothless. Toothless purred. He put the blindfold on him then looked at me and nodded. I nodded back then tapped Angel making her camouflage. "You and me as one."

We passed the others and they cheered. "Take em down you guys!"

We flew closer to the Alpha. "What? Where did the other go?! Take control of it!!" said Drago. Angel shot the Alpha making it stumble a bit. The Alpha roared but Angel just shot it again giving Hiccup and Toothless time to do whatever they needed to do.

"That's it! Now, let's try this one more time! Now!"

Hiccup did his trick and Drago laughed thinking he got him but he didn't. "Huh?" He turned around and saw Hiccup so he tried to hit him but missed. Hiccup lit the gas from his sword creating and explosion then Angel roared flying around the Alpha shooting it multiple times. The Alpha roared mad it didn't know where the sudden attacks were coming from. Angel finally made herself known and I saw Hiccup come back down on Toothless. "Amazing job Angel!" She purred. "Good job," said Hiccup to me. "Of course." I pet Angel. "It's not over yet though."

(I was gonna put Kaida's trick like how Hiccup used his but she doesn't need it and it isn't needed nor would it make sense right here.)

Drago fell off the Alpha. Hiccup lit his sword then threw it before Drago could grab his spear. "Ah!" We slid off the dragons. "Hold him there you two!" Angel and Toothless growled looking at Drago. "It's all over now," stated Hiccup. "Just give it up. We've got you," I said. Drago smirked glancing behind us. "Or do you?" I was confused at this and narrowed my eyes. Angel nudged her head to the side causing us both to look and see the Alpha. "Oh no..." We both ran and it shot ice at us but the dragons jumped in last minute shielding us.


I'm ending this one here.

Sorry it was so short but I wanted to separate this part into two.

Remember to ask questions if you are confused about anything.

Love you guys,


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