chapter one

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- september 1st 1994 -

y/n was not one afraid from adventures. but something about staring at a whole new wizarding school made shivers run down her spine. her and her mothers had moved from France earlier that summer holiday to the UK where she then had to transfer from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

her birth father remained in france with her step-siblings. though she never really liked visiting him anyway. so it brought no sadness to her when her mothers announced they were all going to move.

the three stood on the platform looking around with cautiousness and confusion. platform 9 and 3/4 what on earth, that is not a platform.

"c'est stupide!" (this is stupid) one of her mothers muttered.

neither parent was that good at english leaving them to speak french with one another. only speaking english when they have to.

y/n spotted a family of red hair and rushed towards them eagerly, "bonjour, uh may you all perhaps know where platform 9 and 3/4 are?" she asked nervously, she did not know weather this family were witches and wizards or just moldus's. (muggles)

the middle aged lady came towards her, "oh of course my dear, do you need help? you look rather old for a first year? are your pare-"

"mum! you are bombarding her with questions let her breath!" a boy exclaimed from behind her. he was tall and rather slim. though y/n was quite suprised when a boy who looked identical to him stepped out from behind him. the boy held out his hand, "i'm fred weasley, this is george and this is my mum, molly. sorry about her. but go get your trolley we can help you."

y/n smiled shaking his hand firmly, "y/n."

"pleasure to meet you." he responded smiling.

turning around she rushed to her mothers and her trolley. "maman, maman, viens avec moi." (mum, mum, come with me) y/n cried. her mothers followed her as they headed towards the family, y/n pushing the cart before her.

walking over to the red-haired family the middle aged lady molly came up to them, "now watch fred and george those too yes. they'll give a example on how to get to the platform."

"o-okay." mumbled y/n.

the three french women watched as the two began to run with their carts straight into a wall and their eyes widened. y/n turned to molly panicked, "through, wall?"

"oh yes dear, i can run with you if you'd like."

"qu'est ce qu'elle dit?" (what does she say)

"she can, help me get through."

"only if you two would like. say goodbyes here then i'll help her with the rest." molly said with a warm smile.

her mothers thought about it for a second before nodding a yes towards her, "merci, merci." (thankyou, thankyou) pulling y/n into a tight hug they kissed her on the cheek before pulling away. "ecrivez-nous a votre arrivee." (write to us when you arrive.)

"bien sur. je vous aime tous les deux." (of course. i love you both.)

"je t'aime!" (i love you.) her mothers replied and she waved as they walked away disappearing from her sight.

molly grabbed onto the cart from beside her, "in 3 we will run okay, 3...2...1!" the two began to run towards the wall, y/n closed her eyes as they went through scared to open them. "you can open your eyes dear it's okay."

"oh thankyou, this is very facinating. very different from Beauxbatons. never had to run through a wall."

"ah, i see you must've transferred from there am i correct? now dear what year are you going into?"

"yes, that's right and my sixth year."

"oh my two sons they're entering their sixth year i'll get them to help you!" she replied smiling, "fred, george come here."

fred and george turned from where they were talking to two younger boys and rushed to their mother, "what is it mum?" george asked.

molly turned to y/n and back to them, "y/n is entering her sixth year just wondering if you could help her. getting settled and all, she has come from Beauxbatons."

"Beauxbatons? that's wicked. Well of course mum."

"five minutes until departing to hogwarts." a voice screamed. someone y/n could only assume to be the conductor.

she smiled and molly gave each her children a hug before pulling the girl into one to, "have a good year each of you and y/n i hope to see you again one day."

"merci madam." (thank you madam.) she said grinning.

following onto the two tall boys onto the train she smiled in awe as she passed students upon students. everyone looked so different compared to those in france and everyone dressed much more casual. y/n looked like she was going to a formal event compared to everyone else.

the three entered a compartment that had another boy sat inside and he imminently gave each of the boys a hug, "weasley's." he turned to the girl before looking back to the boys, "whos this?"

y/n held her hand out, "Y/N Theodora Achara Veronia Dubois. I'm transfer from Beauxbatons. Got help from Molly on the platform." she said.

he took her hand shaking it lightly, "lee jordan. these two best mate. have a seat." the girl slid in the spot beside the boy and the window and stared out of it curiously.

"you excited y/n?" one of the twins asked.

she shrugged slightly, "i suppose. this is nothing like france and you're accents are beautiful. though still nice here so far. some people are just bad."

lee nudged her lightly beside her, "could say the same for your accent but once you get sorted you'll be right."

"sorted? why would i be sorted?"

"get put into a house of course. there are four houses, ravenclaw blue, gryffindor red, hufflepuff yellow and slytherin green. you get sorted depending on what trait you desier most to be like or well the hat sorts you so theres no say. we're all in gryffindor where we all value courage, bravery, nerve and chilvalry." george said.

"you sleep in a dorm with people from you're house and do classes with them and sit with them at meals and play quidditch with them. only wicked, evil witches and wizards get in slytherin. mostly half-bloods and purebloods too." fred continued.

"don't say that." lee hissed, "we don't know where she'll be yet. you might scare her away."

fred rolled his eyes, "i'm not that wrong."

y/n nodded taking the information in, "fascinating." she mumbled.

as the train rolled into hogwarts, y/n followed the three to the carriages where they got on the same one. y/n's robes were black compared to the three. their robes had a red logo along with the insides being lined with red and their tie being red and gold. she smiled looking at the other robes. admiring the colours.

fred pointed to the castle and her eyes followed looking at what he pointed to and smiled, "joli." (pretty) she mumbled.


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