chapter fourteen

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- november 24th 1994 -

it had been officially 22 days since y/n had hung out with adrian that one night. 22 days since she realised that she wasn't so sure she wanted to be simply just friends with the boy. 22 two days since she remembers drinking more than she could ever imagine.

it was a weekend and the twins nor her room mates were nowhere to be seen. along with this roger was no where to be seen as well. the girl found herself to be alone.

she made her way to her trunk pulling out some casual clothes slipping them on. grabbing her wand she slipped out of the dorm room down the stairs into the common room and then out of the tower down into the cold hallways of hogwarts.

finding to be a bit hungry the girl made her way to the great hall. there were few students sat throughout the hall no one close to each other. though she did smile when she saw one particular student at the green and silver table. the girl walked towards it slowly but surely.

she slid into the spot across from her which gained his attention. he looked up from the book in his hand shooting her a small smile, "good morning l'amour." (love) he said sweetly.

"bonjour(hello) adrian." the girl responded, "how have you been i feel like i haven't seen you in ages."

"i've been well, busy with some things... but that's something i cannot tell." adrian said. he looked around him seemingly more cautious than the boy was usually, "how have you been? up to anything new?"

the girl shrugged, "no not particularly though i did go to the hogsmeade for the first time yesterday which was, thrilling i suppose. very beautiful really fred and george took me around."

the boys lips slightly dropped before he regained a smile again, "ah yes the twins, hope they didn't do any pranks on you now that wouldn't be good. that's good to hear you like it, i think i passed you at one point but i'm not quite sure. my memory doesn't seem to be the best."

draco malfoy along with blaise zambi and pansy parkinson had just entered the great hall anything but quietly. the two sixth years turned their guaze towards the three adrian's eyes slightly wondering in panic, before the two turned back two each other. the three stormed over to the slytherin table and towards the boy.

draco malfoy grabbed him roughly by the collar and leaned into the boys ear whispering something. adrian nodded before pushing the blonde boy away from him.

"you better watch it perucy." draco malfoy hissed walking away, blaise and pansy following him close behind the boy.

"are you alright?" y/n asked.

"i'm fine don't worry about the prat, he just knows some of my family. oh have a sip of this pumpkin juice, it's quite tasty today." the boy said pushing a cup towards the girl.

"oh alright." she responded. lifting the cup up to her mouth the girl took a decently sized sip before placing the cup down, "taste rather sweet today. elves change their recipe?" the girl asked.

"perhaps, you know how they are busy as always. they're probably quite bored if you think about it. being stuck in the kitchen and all every singly day but what can you do i suppose. anyway do you want to walk around campus."

"sure, i would love to."

the two had made their way up to the seventh floor then down to the third then to the first and then outside. going through every area and every corridor which was possible for the students.

the boy looked down a small smile forming on his lips, "vous êtes belle aujourd'hui." (you look beautiful today.)

y/n smiled feeling her cheeks heat up slightly, "merci. tu n'as pas l'air is mal toi-même." (thank you. you don't look so bad yourself.)

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