chapter six

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~ october 30th 1994 ~

the day that the two schools had come to hogwarts y/n was anything but gloomy. it had been little over a month from when she had first arrived to hogwarts and to sum it up she was more than comfortable at the school. to her it was as if she'd been here since year one.

across the month or so y/n had become best friends with fred, george and lee. spending majority of her time with them. she had spent all of her other time with roger and luna the girl two years below her along with her dorm mates. along with this she had met harry the chosen one through fred and george's little brother ron along with their friend hermione.

she must admit she didn't have much in common with the girl, luna. though she enjoyed her company greatly.

y/n walked excitedly beside roger as they began to head back from the common room. the last classes had just finished half an hour beforehand. "y/n slow down." roger whined.

she shot him a smile grabbing his hand and pulling him to walk faster, "you are taller than me. marche plus vite. marche plus vite." (walk faster, walk faster.) she replied. "plus, i'm going to see my friends once again. i haven't seen them in ages, i have all the reason to be excited!"

rodger laughed nodding slightly, "i suppose you are true."

when entering the entrence hall head of houses had began to order each of their students into lines. majoirty of the hufflepuff students had already arrive. which made sense with their common being the closest to the hall. along with this there many slytherin students which had already arrived. though there were little to none gryffindor and ravenclaw students as they were yet to arrive with their common rooms being quite a distance from the hall.

fred and george made their way over to the girl quickly, "roger. y/n." they each said which resulted in them getting a wave from roger and the girl. they turned towards her and fred said, "you ready y/n?"

she smiled, "yes oh i miss them deeply. do hope they remember me though. would be quite embarrassing if not i must admit."

the two laughed, "i'm sure they remember you. cant forget someone as magical as you that quick i believe." george said sweetly.

she smiled, "merci (thank you) georgie. but we will zee."

"fred and george weasley! come over to the gryffindor line now!" screeched professor mcgonagall.

"best be off!" they both said. turning around and rushing over to the professor.

soon the entrance hall was filled with all of the hogwarts students equally excited for the entrances of the foreign students. luna smiled and pointing out, "look at the carriages must be one of the schools."

"where?" a student cried.

"there!" a sixth year student cried as he pointed to the forest.

as the carriages crashed down the students smiled and cheered in awe. a pale boy in light blue robes jumped out of the front carriage fiddling with the door before it opened before them. a lady as large as hagrid emerged from the carriage. as she stepped into the great hall she was shown to have olive skin, large black liquid-looking eyes with a beaky nose. her hair was pulled back into a tight bun which sat on the back of her neck and she was dressed head to foot in black satin.

dumbledore had began to clap, the hogwarts students following his lead. many stood up to take a better look at the head mistrest.

her face relaxed and her lips curved into a smile as she walked towards dumbledore holding a hand out. which he barely tall enough to do so didn't even have to bend to kiss it. "my dear Madame Maxime, welcome to Hogwarts!"

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