chapter nine

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- october 31st 1994 -

the evening of halloween made members across hogwarts be filled with excitement. the halloween feast took longer than usual. though it wasn't that bad. y/n was sat beside fleur and other beauxbatons students as they ate quietly among each other.

each student was nervous. well the ones that put their name in at least. though at a long last the golden plates before them return to their original spotless state signifying the end of the feast for the evening. this made students grin and majority of them turned their gauze to the front of the hall to where dumbledore was sat.

when he got to his feet all noise in the hall died down immediately. on either side of him professor karkaroff along with madame maxime looked as tense as always.

though ludo bagman was smiling and winking at various amounts of students where mr crouch looked quite disinterested and perhaps even bored.

"well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision." said dumbledore. "i estimate that it requires one more minute. now, when the champions names are called, i would ask them please to come to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber -" he indicated pointing to the door behind the staff table - "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

the professor took out his wand and gave a big wave with it at once all candles except for those in the carved pumpkins were extinguished. plunging them all into a state of semi-sadness.

the goblet of fire was now more visible than ever. it shone brighter than anything else in the hall with the bluey-whiteness of the flames close to painful on the eyes. every watched, waiting and i'm waiting.

"n'importe quelle seconde maintenant." (any second now) muttered amanda. one of the fellow beauxbatons girls.

the flames inside of the goblet suddenly turned red again and sparks began to fly from it. next moment, a younger of flame shot into the air and a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it and the whole room gasped.

dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arms length. using the light from the goblet to read it out.

"the champion for durmstrang," he read in a strong clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."

"no surprises there!" yelled ron from the gryffindor table as a storm of applause and cheering swept the hall.

y/n watched as viktor rose from the slytherin table and slouched up towards dumbledore. he turned right, walked along the staff table, and disappeared through the door into the next chamber.

"bravo viktor!" boomed karkaroff so loudly anyone and everyone could hear him even over the applause of the students, "knew you had it in you!"

the clapping and chatting died down. now everyone's attention focused back again onto the goblet, which seconds later, turned red once more. a second pieces of parchment shot out of it, propelled by the flames.

"the champion for beauxbatons," said dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!" he cried.

y/n turned to the girl excitedly. each of her friends clapping loudly, "bon travail! bon travail! bon travail!" (good job, good job, good job) they each said happily.

fleur smiled towards her friends standing up gracefully onto her feet. shook back her sheet of silvery blonde hair and swept up between the ravenclaw table and hufflepuff tables. fleur had followed the path viktor had taken moments before and then silence fell again. but this time it was a silence so stuff with excitement you could almost taste it. the hogwarts champion was next.

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