chapter seven

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~ october 30th 1994 ~

the staff soon entered filling up the top table and taking their seats. though last in like were professor dumbledore, professor karkaroff and madame maxime. when the headmistress appeared the pupils from beauxbatons leapt to their feet. y/n happened to do so too. as she was so used to doing so.

students from hogwarts found this amusing and a few of them had laughed which resulted in the bunch being a bit embarrassed.

"y/n, what are you doing." hissed delphi quietly. y/n shot the girl a alarmed look, "you are a hogwarts student sit down."

though she along with the beauxbatons students didn't sit down until madam maxime had sat down and she did so on dumbledores left hand side.

though dumbledore remained standing and silence fell over the great hall. "good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghost and most particularly guests." said dumbledore, beaming around at the foreign students, "i have great pleasure in welcoming you all to hogwarts. i hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. the tournament will officially be opened at the end of the feast! i now invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home." he sat down and y/n spotted karkaroff lean forward to engage him in conversation.

there were a greater variety of food spread across the tables before the students. the house elves have seemingly done more and well and beyond then they had ever before. some dishes even being foreign.

"what's that?" patricia asked as she pointed towards a large dish of some sort of shellfish stew. which stood beside a large steak and kidney pudding.

"bouillabaisse." said fleur from beside y/n.

"bless you." said patricia.

"it's french, you loon. it's very nice try some." said y/n.

"i'll take your word for it." she then said. where she then helped herself to some of the black pudding.

the great hall seemed much more crowded than usual. even though there were only around twenty to thirty additional students. but perhaps it was because of how drastically different the uniforms stood out against the black of the hogwarts robes. with the dumstrang students removed their furs, it had been revealed for them to be wearing robes of a deep, blood red.

Ludo Bagman and Mr Crouch had seemingly made their way to the front of the hall without notice mid feasts. Though as the feast came to a close dumbledore stood before everyone once again. as he just had done so a hour beforehand.

"the moment has come." said dumbledore smiling around to the sea of students. "the triwizard tournament is about to begin. i would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket-"

"the what?" y/n muttered. roger shrugged from beside her.

"-just to clarify the procedure which we will be following this year. but firstly, let me introduce, for those who do not know them Mr Bartemius Crouch, head of the department of international magical co-operation" - there then was a quick but loud applause - "and Mr Ludo Bagman, head of the department of magical games and sports."

there then was a much louder round of applause for bagman then crouch. though this wasn't unexpected. it might've been because of his fame as a beater or simply he just seemed so much more likeable. he acknowledged it with a quick wave of of his hand where mr crouch did not do such a thing. his lips didn't even curve into a smile, instead he stood cold, hard and uninterested.

"mr bagman and mr crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament." dumbledore continued, "and they will be joining myself, professor karkaroff and madame maxime on the panel which will judge the champions efforts. now the casket, then, if you please mr flinch."

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