chapter four

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- september 5th 1994 -

it was y/n's fifth day at hogwarts when a letter from her parents arrived to her at breakfast. pealing it open she began to read the piece of parchment.

hello my dear,
it's moma (aniabella)  here. glad to know you've settled in okay. all is well at home though your father wishes for a letter. but no need to send one if wanting to. if he really wants to contact you just let him do it yourself. gabrielle is working so she just wants me to tell you to keep doing your best. also asking about those red heads. she thinks you may like one of them. but you know how your mother is.
we love you, see you at christmas.

the girl smiled sliding it into her pocket. perfect timing too as two boys slid in the spot beside her and opposite to her. "gooood morning," george and fred said in unison.

she shot them both a smile, "morning you two."

"excited for first period?" fred asked, he had reached over the table grabbing a piece of toast and started spreading strawberry jam across it.

"don't tell me we're sharing first period."

"to your luck, we are." george said.

she rolled her eyes playfully and dramatic towards the two, "what a shame. such utter heart break i'm in right now. lucky you're my partner fred i'm useless at charms."

he smiled, cheeks slightly going red, "defiantly."

the three were quick to arrive to the charms classroom getting into their assigned seats. fred on y/n's left with roger on her right. she smiled when roger entered the classroom with luc and delphi close behind him. they each shot warm smiles towards each other as they joined and sat down.

professor flitwick came to the front of the classroom, "now we will be revising the water-making spell as we we're once doing in our last period. now follow after me right to left, aguamenti."

y/n held her wand up following the profesor, "aguamenti." and she watched as little drops of water exit her wand.

fred leaned over, "that's wicked."

after the period was over fred and george left y/n going to their next period. she happened to have a free period so went to the library to spend her free in there. entering the library there were already a few students from a couple of other year levels sat inside.

pulling out a chair she sat down. grabbing spare parchment and her quill she began to write a letter in return to her mothers which she would be posting later that day in her free time.

hello moma and mother,
before you go on. nothing is happening with the red haired boys. fred and george, they're simply just my friends at this current moment. it is way too soon and it has been too little of time for me to even notice any boys. however theres a nice boy in my ancient ruins first period monday class and a few others. he also speaks french, his name is adrian, i mustn't lie but is a bit dreamy. no interest in boys though. i am waiting until the beauxbuton students arrive. this could mean i get to see all my friends once again, dear merlin i miss them greatly.
regarding my father, tell him he can send me a letter if he wishes. i am in no great interest to receive a letter from him now or anytime soon. i don't think he noticed we even moved or my transfer from schools until his new children went and saw i was not there. though we do know he only cares for them. but i am okay with that. i have you both.
i best keep this short, i'm excited for christmas. to see you both once again. hopefully by then i have more friends than right now. well closer ones at least.
your daughter, y/n.

she sealed the parchment tucking it tightly into her pocket. grabbing a novel from her book she began to read and get lost in it. it was simply so fascinating to her.

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