Lies to Get Home

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(Derrick's POV)

I knocked on her door again. "Eli, I'm sorry about how I reacted yesterday." I apologized. "Can you please open the door?" I asked for the third time.

Kyle came back, rushing to me. "Sir, you were right." he huffed out. "Her window was open." he said.

I snapped my head to her door. "Shit." I mutter, stepping back, and kicking at the door. It dropped after the second kick, and what we found inside...

I took in the empty room, frozen. I suddenly went crazy, "Find her, now!" I shouted and the doors all around opened and men rushed around waking everyone and getting to work.

I starred at the window, and when I went over to it, I found it.

A quarter lay, tales up on the window seal.


(Elizabeth's POV)

I woke to the sun shining in my face. Suddenly feeling like I was being watched, I opened my eyes and found I was being watched.

"About time she woke up." the guy who brought me here said, a faint smile in his lips.

"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn and stretch.

"Time to get a move on." He answered and threw a bundle of fabric on the foot of the bed from the corner he'd just occupied. "Get changed and we'll be out if here, catching up to lover boy." He said and exited the room.

Lover Boy? ... ... ... Oh...

I quickly changed, thinking over what he had said. I found a rubber band on a desk and tied my hair into a ponytail, exiting the room, only to bump into the guy who's room I'd been in.

I stumbled back, cradling my head as I looked up to see him turned around now. "Dude, your back hurts." I told him, obvious confusion in my voice.

"That's what happens when you workout sweetheart." He laughed.

I gave him a blank look as he laughed and took my hand, "Follow my lead." He said an walked down the hallway and down some stairs. He suddenly made a right turn entering the kitchen, where we found the girl, his sister, eating cereal.

"What do you want?" She asked, glaring at me.

Jealous much?

"Just wanted to let you know me and my girl are going on vacation." the guy said.

His sister looked at him in boredom, and disbelief. Then she turned to me, "You agree to this?" She asked.

Glancing up at the guy, I saw him raise an eyebrow, "Yup, after... last night... When he asked me I couldn't say no." I said, adding a bit too much, but hey, had to make it convincing.

She gave me the same look, "What's his name?" She asked.

I give a slight giggle, looking up at the guy, "We didn't really... um... get around to names... necessary..." I say winking up at the guy.

He grins and leans down, pecking me on the lips. Once he pulled away, he turned to his sister and said, "So yeah, see ya when I see ya." the dragged me out, whispering as I he were telling me all he would do to me on "vacation", forcing me to giggle along behind him.

We made it to a truck, where he opened the door for me, helping me in, then getting in the front seat.

He started the engine, and drive away from the house.

It was quiet, and most would find it awkward, but for me, it was part of my job.

"Good job back there, she totally believed it." the guy said, not looking at me.

"Lying comes in the job description sometimes." I said casually.

"Really?" He asked, this time, taking a glance at me.

"Yeah, I work undercover to protect people." I said. ""Lover boy" was one of my cases that became more than a case." I said lowly on the lat part.

"I understand and honesty dot intend to get between you two." he said. "It was my sister who found him and for some reason found it interesting when he would say your name in his sleep." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah..." was all he said as he turned on the radio and allowed a country station to play low in the background.

We drive for hours it felt like.

Then I realized something.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he said and handed me a samsung from his back pocket.

I dialed the memorized number, then pressed the phone to my ear. It rang three times before Derrick answered the phone.

"I swear to god Elizabeth, if you made this call as you lay request, I will kill you." he shouted on the other end.

"Hello to you too, and I take it Josh made it home safely?" I said, a small smile on my face.

"Yes he did, and we have all been going nuts looking for you.vI do t care what you told him and neither does he, tell us where you are, now." He demaded.

"What's your address?" I asked.

"What?" Derrick asked back.

"Give me your address." I told him. And he did, after a long silence that is. I repeated it to the man who's name I still didn't know, the spoke to Derrick, "Cool, we're headed your way, so stay put." I told him.

"We're?" He asked.

I nodded even though he couldn't see it, "Yup, me and my new friend...." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Timothy." he said.

"And my new friend Timothy." I said with a smile. "So yeah, see ya soon, bye." I said before he could take note of my lack of knowledge on Timothy's name.

I hung up and handed Timothy back his phone with thank you.

"So..." he asked, obviously amused with my conversation with Derrick.

"Not a word, Tim-O-Thy." I said, grinning as I glanced at his now pouting and grumpy face.

"Don't make me turn this truck around. I will do it, so don't tempt me young lady." he said, holding up one index finger and talking to me like a mother scolding her child.

I laughed, "Yes mother."


(Derrick's POV)

"So?" Thomas an Josh asked at the same time, then glared at each other. Things have been tense between the two since Josh found out about Thomas's feeling for Eli.

"She's headed back with some guy named Timothy. She said she'd be here soon..." I said and looked at them both as they visibly relaxed.

"That's a relief." Thomas said. "But this Timothy better keep his had far from Eli." he added.

"Dude..." Josh said, looking at him.

"What?" Thomas asked.

Josh just shook his head and looked at me. "Where will Eli and Timothy be staying?" He asked.

"Eli will be staying in her room, and there is an empty room two door down from hers that Timothy can have." I said, having already figured it out.

Josh nodded.

Thomas on the other hand, "Why is he staying so close to her?" He asked.

I even looked at him ugly, "Dude, no wonder no girls like you. You're too clingy!" I told him honestly.

He glared at me and got up and left.

"And you let him ask Eli out on a date?" Josh asked. "Jake I'd been cool with." he added.

"Jake's engaged and happy." I told him.

"Exactly, he wouldn't go after Eli." He said and got up and left.

I shook my head and buried my finger in my hair.

And how would you feel if I went after her?

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