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Maine POV:
I wake up beside Richard. I must say that he really looks peaceful when he is asleep. He looks cute. I just wish I can remove those puffy eyes and his lonely heart. Before he wakes up I get out from the bed. I went straight in to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Then I went downstairs and prepare some waffles to cook for our breakfast...

Richard POV:
I wake up and saw Maine is not on my side. So I streched and went straight to the bathroom and do my morning routine. After that I went downstairs and smelled something delicious... I went to the kitchen and found her... "Good morning" I greeted her "ohh your awake now? Good morning, have a seat this will be cook" I seat and waited for her. She served the waffles and I start to dig in. "hey slow down, you might choke" I just smiled at her and continue to eat. After eating.... "hey Maine let's go out now" "sure let me just change" "ok I will wait for you"

Maine POV:
After eating I went upstairs. I brush my teeth. I also spray dry shampoo on my hair. Then I wear a simple pink dress and some white shoes. I spray a perfume and I wear a backpack and went downstairs. "hey let's go?" "y-yeah" he then guide me towards his car then we went to the mall. We arrive at the mall... "hey let me carry your backpack" he said "are you sure they are a bit heavy" "nah it's fine" I give him my backpack and we went at the mall. When we arrive there he gets a push cart and I prepare the list I wrote earlier. We are currently getting frozen meat when someone approach me "Maine?" when I look at the person "Jake?! Omgg it is really you" we hugged each other "How are you Maine?" "well still pretty" he laughs at me, we continue to catch up when someone clears their throat. "ohh Jake this Richard my-" "Her husband" Richard said and shake Jake's hand. "I think I will go ahead now, nice meeting you Maine" begore he go away he whispered something to me "he is really jealous Maine" then he left. That guy is really in to something. "I guess you and Jake is really close huh?" Richard said "ohh yeah he is my childhood friends, actually he left to go abroad but I guess he comeback now" "ohh I see" we continue to buy groceries and after that we went and eat our lunch...

Richard POV:
We are currently eating our lunch when someone approach me. "babe, please i'm sorry for what happened please forgive me" Julie said "can you stop Julie, me and my wife is having a date here" "what wife?!" "yes so can you please leave?" "no Richard I love you, you can't marry someone else" I was shocked when "what if he does? What will you do? You cheated on him first Julie, so you better leave because you have no rights here. I am the legal wife and your just his ex girlfriend. So just leave you are embarrasing  yourself here" with that Julie leave angrily. "Thank you so much" "nah it's fine she is really irritating you know" with that we continue eating....

After eating... We head towards our car...

I was driving on our way home. When I look at Maine she is fast asleep. When we are on a red light I captured a picture of her. "cute" then I continue to drive on our home.. When we arrive there. I wake her up... "hey we are home" she suddenly wakes up and help me bring our groceries to our house...

Maine POV:
We finished eating we head upstairs... And do our night routine..  Then he said "let's sleep again together" I nod and then he wrap his hands on my waist "Maine I don't know why I feel Jealous when your with someone else it's confusing me" he took a deep breathe "good night Maine" then we went to sleep together...



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