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Maine POV:
Richard is currently driving towards our home. It was all silent...... I kept on thinking about what happened earlier.....

"I need to tell you something" "what is it?" "Remember my brother Charles?" "ohh your older brother, what about him?" "actually he didn't go abroad..... He died....." "died? How?" "On a car accident.... He died because of me. He died because I was so mad at him that time that I killed him by driving towards his car...." I felt speechless on why he said that. I know I have no rights to judge him because I don't know their whole story but it is really hard to take. "Maine...." he tried to touch me but I refused it. I just don't know how to process it. Everything becomes messed up. "I understand if you are mad, but please understand me" we stay silent for a bit before we go home....

*present time*
We arrive home. I quickly went to our bedroom and lock the doors. I am acting this way because Charles was my first love. I loved him because he is kind, intellegent, nice, respectfuk everything I wanted on a man is on him. And hearing that Richard killed him becauae of anger it just broke me. All along I knew Charles is alive. But now...... He is dead... I cried. My chest felt so heavy. I don't think I can face Richard anymore....

Richard POV:
I knew I shouldn't have said this to her. But I need to tell her this because it will be revealed soon. I knock on the door... "I know you can't here this Maine, but I did it to protect you. He is planning to rape you that time....." I then left because I knew she didn't want to see me. I just leave a note saying that I was in my mom's house...

*At mom's house*
"Son why are you here? Where is Maine?" "Mom I said it to her..." then I broke down into tears..... She guided me inside. "Mom she doesn't want to talk to me" "shhh time will heal my dear. Of course it is hard to process some things fir her since Charles is her first love. If the time is right my dear I'm sure you can explain it to her" Then mom hugged me... "You can sleep here ok?"

Maine POV:
After crying for so long I decided to went downstairs. I went to the kitchen to get water. I noticed a note. It's from him... "ohh he went to auntie...." I went upstairs.... "I will try to understand you Richard. But please wait for me to heal first" then I went to sleep.....



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