Chapter 5

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Maine POV:
"Aish seriously when can I sleep for a long time!" I groaned and open the door "sweetie get ready you will prepare your wedding today with Richard" I nod at mom and went back inside of my room. I head towards my shower area and do ny routine. I just wore a white shirt and a jumper shorts then I wear my glasses and I wrap my hair in a bun. I didn't apply make-up today because I wanna look fresh. Then I grab my sneakers and my phone and head downstairs... "good mornibg mom, good morning dad" I kissed both of their cheeks "what about your guture husband dear?" ny mom said "ohh good morning to you babe" I smiled at him fakely and kiss his cheek. Seriously it's disgusting. I sat beside him and eat my breakfast. "so Richard how many kids did you want?" I choke on ny food so I cough while Richard give me a glass of water "dad!" "what? There is nothing wrong about it though. So how many?" "uhmm I guess 3 is enough for me" "well I hope as soon as you get married you will give me a grandchild" "dad we will go now, bye" and I drag Richard out while he said his goodbyes. I didn't wabt to hear about child anymore it's making me sick. I enter his car and put on my seatbelt. We arrive at the church where we will get married. At the first look of it I already fall in love at this place. We are greeted with a organizer "hi ma'am, sir my name is Patricia and i'm your organizer for your wedding" we shook hands. Then she asked us to take a seat. "what theme do you like at your wedding? Peaceful or sweet?" "sweet" "peaceful" we both said at the same time "well I guess we can combine them" "ma'am Maine which flowers do you like? White roses ir colorful roses?" "I like the colorful ones" "how about your venue?" "I guess we can have a venue at a beach?" I look at Richard and he nods in approval. "ok ma'am, sir I will send you the copy of the plan on your emails" then she dismissed the meeting. Richard said he will ho to the restroom for awhile so I decided to stroll for a while. "I can't believe my wedding is within this week" Then I heard Richard called me "hey Maine let's go now" I was about to go to him but I tripped onto sometjing. I close my eyes getting ready to receive the impact of the floor but instead I felt a strobg arms on me... "hey be careful" I was speechless so I stood up and fix myself "let's go?" he said "ohh y-yeah" we got in the car and it's akward silence... "what do you want to have for lunch?" "anything you like" with that he drove to a restaurant...

We arrive at a seafood restaurant... When we got out I smell a delicious seafood and my mouth starts to water. We sat on the chair and Richard tells the menu we will get on the waiter. The food arrive and we eat. And seriously I even forget Richard is here because the seafood is really delicious. "hey slow down, you might choke" he hands me water.. I laugh at him and continue to eat.... While we are eating he suddenly wipes my mouth with a tissue "your really hungry huh?" "hell yeah. I love seafoods so much"

After eating... "can we get ice cream??" I asked him and he nods, he bought ice cream... Then suddenly his phone rings he looked at me "go take it"

Richard POV:
*On the phone*
"babe! Can you bring me to my friend?" "babe sorry I can't i'm with Maine" "seriously babe she is more important than me?!" "no but we are at a resort today" "fine fine go with her bye!" I was about to say something but she hangs up the call.. Maybe she is on her period that's why. I went back on Maine "let's go home?" she nods. We get inside ny car....

I looked at her and she was fast asleep... "cute" I put my hoodie on her so she won't get cold...

"Maine.." I wake her up "hmm 5 more minutes" "Maine..." "what?!" she wokes up then our lips accidentally touch because if how close we are. Her eyes widen and she blushes. "ok bye Richard thank you for taking me home" she waves without looking at me...

Maine POV:
I rushed towards my bedroom. "ahh!!! Maine I told you not to sleep why did you sleep!!" I punch my pillow and screamed "ahh!!!" after I get tired I recall the scene earlier and touch my lips.... "aish I hope I can sleep today" and I went to sleep with a smile on my face..

Richard POV:
I went home, I head towards my room. I layed there and recall the scene earlier. But why do I felt like this. Me and Julie is not ok but I'm still happy and my heart races whenever I think about the kiss. "aish I should just sleep maybe tomorrow it will be gone and I will comeback to Julie. Yeah i'm just tired." with that I went to sleep....



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