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Maine POV:
It's been weeks after that big revelation. I still haven't go out of our room. Then I heard a knock.... "Maine it's me your auntie can I come in?" I open the door slowly and welcome her... "dear... You haven't went out for weeks" "auntie it hurts" "shh shh I know I know let it all out. I'm here" she hugs me and cares my back. When I finally calm down. "Maine can I tell you something?" I look at her "my dear please don't hate Richard. Actually he does it to protect you." "protect me?" "yes, actually that night Charles wanted to rape you. But Richard stop him, he didn't listen. So the other way to stop him is to got him in an accident, so please forgive my son" "I'm sorry auntie I didn't know. I will try to talk to him" "ok freshen up now dear and you will visit him ok?" I nod. I went into the bathroom and when I look at myself I look horrible. My hair is a mess, my make up is smudged, I'm dirty. So I take a shower. I changed into something comfortable. I wore a hoodie and some pants. I grab my sneakers. And I am good to go.

Auntie drove towards their house.... We finally arrive... "Yaya can you calk Richard downstairs" the Yaya then call him. "Maine stay here, he will come any second. I need to go since I have work ok?" I kissed Auntie's cheek and bid good bye to her...

Richard POV:
I came down. I saw Maine sitting there. I immediately hug her... "I am really sorry Maine" "shh I already know the story. Sorry for not asking you." "no it's not your fault. So don't blame yourself" I hug her again "so are we ok now?" "yes we are" we wiped our tears. "let's go out. I will treat you today. It's a peace offering" We went towards my car and drove to the mall....

Maine POV:
We finally arrive... Richard took me in a japanese restaurant... He ordered a lot of food "this is so many" "you need to eat more, you look skinny" then we eat.... After eating we strall on the mall. I went in the pandora shop to window shop. And something caught my attention. It is a charm bracelet it is so beautiful.... "you wanna try it ma'am?" the saleslady asked me "uhmm n-" "yes she will try it" I look at him confused... The saleslady give it to me. It looks good on my hand "it's so pretty" I was about to give it back. When Richard said "I will pay for this" he give his credit card to the saleslady "hey It's expensive you don't have to buy me this. You already payed for the meal" "Maine it's fine your my wide after all so it is ok to buy you these things" "But seriously-" "No more buts Maine it is for you" we went out of the store... And seriously I am guilty because this bracelet is so expensive but yet he buy this for me... "Hey Maine seriously don't think about it, just think that it is my peace offering hmm?" I nod at him. We went to his car and he drove home...

We finally arrive home... We went to the bedroom and did our night routine... "Can we sleep together?" he asked "Of course" "finally I missed my cuddle buddy" then he lay beside me I fell asleep...

Richard POV:
I look at Maine and found her asleep "I'm really sorry for making you cry. I promise I will never make those beautiful eyes of yours cry again. Good night my dear wife" then I went to sleep again....

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