Chapter 6

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Maine POV:
Here I am infront of a mirror getting my make-up fixed. Yes you guess it right i'm getting married.  "Ma'am Maine your really pretty, sir Richard is so lucky to have you" I just smiled at Patricia my make-up artist, well they didn't know this is an arranged marriage. Then I heard a knock on my door. "Girl!! You came!" I hugged Sheena "of course I will how can I forget the wedding of my best friend" then we talk for awhile when we heard another knock... "dear..." "mom!" I kissed her cheek "my daughter is so beautiful" she starts to tear up "yah mom! Your ruining my make-up" then she laughs. "Ma'am Maine your next" they help me on my gown then we head outside so I can walk on the aisle. I walk with my father and mother. I was smiling because this is being recorded so I need to act happy. Richard is also smiling. I must admit he look handsom in his suit today. It matches him so well. We reach the altar, Richard took my hand. "Do you Maine Mendoza take Richard Faulkerson as you husband?" I look at my mother and she nods "I do father" "Do you Richard Faulkerson take Maine Mendiza as your wife?" the priest said "I do" he said "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" he lifts my veil and my palm starts to sweat due to nervousness. He suddenly moves closer "act" he whispered I smiled and then he puts his lips on to mine and give me a quick peck. Then the crowd cheers... After the wedding we have a pictorial together with our family...

*at the beach*
The venue of our reception is at the beach. Eceryone is drinking beers and having the best time of their lives. Throughout the night me and Richard stick together cause that is what our parents wanted.... The party came to an end. We drove towards our house that our parents gifted to us... I check the rooms and I found a room now... Then someone enters the room. "I will sleep in here" he said "No i'm the first one who came here, go find your own room" "how, the other room has no bed" "all of them?!" "yes" I went out and checked and he is right this only has one room. "you can't sleep on the bed, go sleep at the couch" "your telling me to sleep on the couch?!" " does anyone else here?" "hell no, you go sleep on the couch" we kept on arguing who will sleep on the bed. After sometime we made a schedule on who will sleep on the couch Mon- Maine, Tue- Richard Wed-Maine Thurs- Richard fri-Maine sat and sun-Richard that is our schedule and since it's saturday today he will sleep on the couch. I showered first then after that I went on my bed and scroll on my phone... After that Richard went out with only a towel on his waist... "what done staring?" I look at him "hell no I wasn't staring" then I cover myself with some blanket... Aish that's embarrasing...

Richard POV:
I smirked on her. After getting ready I went to the couch and layed there... I was scrolling on my phone when something catch my eye. "nightsout" that's what the caption says and there I saw Julie kissing other guy. But what shocked me is that I didn't feel hurt or betrayed. I felt ok. I look over at Maine I found her asleep. I went closer to her. I remove hairs that is stickibg on her eye. Then I cover her with a blanket. I stared at her.... Aish Richard what are you doing... With that I went to the couch and sleep....



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