Chapter 15

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Maine POV:
It's been a few months and Mrs. Faulkerson hasn't woke up.....
"Richard eat now please, you haven't eaten for months now." "Can you just leave me alone? I said that I will not eat" "but-" "just leave!" I flinched when he shouted.... "o-ok" I left in there to give him some space. Maybe it's better if I don't bother him for now...

Richard POV:
"Mom please woke up.... I miss you so much" I caress her hand while I cry... Then I felt her hand moves.... "Mom?" I saw her slowly open her eyes. I press the emergency button then the doctor checked on her. "Mr. Faulkerson your mom is well now but she needs to rest, so please avoid stress because it is bad for her" "thank you doc" "I will go then" then the doctor went out U went to mom and hug her.. "ohh does my son missed me?" "yes mom, you make me worried" "Sorry dear" "From now on mom you will live with us I don't want you to be alone in the mansion you might do it again" "but your privacy?" "I'm sure Maine would love to have you around mom" "where is she?" "Ohh yeah I shouted at her earlier" "dear what did I told you?" " Mom but it's because I'm worried ok?" "go now call her I wanna see her"

*on the phone*
"Ohh Richard why?"
"Mom is awake now"
"ohh really that's good"
"uhmm I-i'm sorry"
"it's fine, I understand, want me to come over?"
"yes, please?"
"ok I'll be there"

The calk ended. I went to my mom's room and guide her through everything....

Maine POV:
"Hey Sheena I need to go now. Mrs. Faulkerson has woke up"
"Really?! I will go with you I wanna see her" then we hoped on her car and went to the hospital. I already told mom that Auntie is awake and they say they will visit tomorrow.

We finally arrive... We enter the room.
"Auntie.." then I hugged her "ohh dear you look pale, I must have worried you" "of course Auntie you surprised me" "Sheena it's that you?" "yes Mrs. Faulkerson" "ohh call me Auntie, since your the best friend of Maine" "Ohh Auntie me and Maine bought you fruits" "ohh that's so sweet of you" then we chat for a bit before Sheena bids goodbye...

Richard POV:
"Ok mom enough with that chatting you need to rest now" I help her get to sleep. After a few minutes she fell asleep... "Maine can we talk?" "uhmm sure" I grab her hand and we went to the rooftop. I offer her some drink... "I'm sorry again" "it's fine I understand" "I asked mom to live with us is it ok with you?" "yeah of course after what happened I don't want her to be lonely" "It's such a relieve that she is ok now" "yeah, you can rest now" "i'm sorry if I worried you as well" "I'm always here Richard no matter what" "thank you Maine"

Maine POV:
It's so cold here. I rubbed my hands together. Then I felt someone droped a jacket on me. "use it, I know your cold" "thanks" "we should head inside it's cold" he held my hand and we head downstairs....

Richard POV:
Me and Maine came downstairs. Then I saw a person standing in mom's door. "What are you doing here?!" I said while glaring at her...


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