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Maine POV:
I was preparing for the fashion show.. "hi ma'am Maine I'm beatrice your make-up artist for today" "I'm Luna your hairstylist and stylist for today" "ohh nice to meet you all" then they smiled at me and they do their work..

"done!" I look at myself in the mirror and I look gorgeous "Is this me?" "yes miss Maine, you look beautiful ma'am" we take a selfie before going on the stage. I was really nervouse today Richard said he will watch the show so i'm really nervous. The MC announce my name so I went in the stage and pose. Julie is also modeling I saw her we meet in between then she suddenly step on my gown that made me fall "oops sorry" she said in a sarcastic way. I went back up. Then the show came to an end. " Good day everyone I would like to present to you Mr. Faulkerson the new owner of Faulkerson's company" Then Richard went in the stage I give him a confused look. He just smiled at me "everyone, I would like to thank all of you for coming today. I hope you like all the designs that our models present. I would like to say that all of this design is scetched and modeled by my one and only wife. Mrs. Maine Faulkerson" then he grab my hand and guide me towards the stage. Then when I look at all the models I realized they are the one I draw when I have a free time. I guess he payed attention to it... "hey are you ok?" he asked me "yeah I'm fine" "no you don't look you have a wound, after this I will clean that" the MC said his final words. Then I was about to walk in the backstage when Richard suddenly carries me. "yah! Put me down, I can walk" "do you don't you twist your ankle I saw it" he carries me in the backstage... "Beatrice, can you get the first aid kit?" Beatrice give the first aid kit to me. He puts medicine on my wound and I hissed in pain. "done, for now just don't put too much pressure on your foot" I nod at him I was about to stand up. But he stoped me "I told you to not put too much pressure on your foot, so from now on I will carry you until you get better" "but-" "no more buts" I just sigh and he prepares my things while I point out the things he needs to pack after that he carries me while going to the parking lot.. "seriously your tired now" "no i'm not" he said "but your sweating" "it's just too hot" I laughed at him. Then someone suddenly calls him.. "Richard! Let's talk please" Julie ask him, he looks at me "go, talk to her I will rest here don't worry" "are you sure?" I nod at him. He puts me on a bench in the parking lot and he talks to Julie....

Richard POV:
"What do you want?!" "Richard I want you back" "for what?! Because you don't have money?" I scoffed at her "No I really love you Richard" "enough with the lies Julie I will never fall on that again. And I remember you hurt Maine earlier" "what she deserves it" "listen to me, hurt my wife again and you will suffer twice, mark my word Julie I will never think twice to do that to you" "what you love her now?" "and what if I do you will never gonna change it we are married so it's ok for us to be in love" with that I left her in there... I went back to Maine.. "Let's go" I carries her.

Maine POV:
"what did you guys talk about?" "ohh it's nothing it's useless any way, let's eat outside to celebrate?" I nod at him then he drives to our location....

"wow it's so beautiful here" "i'm glad you like it" then the waiter came and serve our food "you reserve this?" "yep I know it's your favorite" I smiled at him...

*after eating*
I go to rails and look up the sky... Then Richard suddenly wrap his hands around my waist "I hope we can stay like this forever, no worries just happy" I said "Maine what if I told you my darkest secret, would you still love me?" "of course I'm your wife I will be with you through your ups and downs no matter what" he suddenly hugs me tight.... "I need to tell you something, I hope you can accept me......



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