Chapter 7

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The song for this Chapter is: Gotta Be a Reason by Alec Benjamin

"There's gotta be a reason that I'm here on Earth / Gotta be a reason for the dust and the dirt / The changing of the seasons never changed my hurt / So what's it worth? What's it worth? / Worth another shot of whiskey and another sip of gin / Another drop of poison that is slowly sinkin' in / If we're going down together, better take another hit / We won't be here forever so let's make the best of it"

Scarlett's P.O.V

At some point in time, I fell asleep, most likely out of boredom. And at some point in time, I fell on the floor while I was asleep. Hence why I woke up in agonizing pain. Looking at the clock, I could see that it was shortly after 8 and there was no sign of Alex. Bringing my hand to my side which was in excruciating pain, I felt wetness. Looking at my hand, I see it's now blood red. Just lovely. I ripped my stitches open. As I get up, I grip the bed for support. My legs felt like jelly from not eating at all today. Taking small steps, I stumbled towards the door, which seemed to be getting farther and farther away. Before I could get to the door, I collapsed again, but was quickly picked up by Alex who walked in five seconds later.

"What the hell happened?" he asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Well, I think I fell asleep and then rolled off your bed because that's where I woke up. Then I was in a shit ton of pain, because hello, I fell onto the floor and then I realized my stitches are open because there's blood so I tried to get to you or to someone to help me, and then I collapsed. Also my legs feel like jelly because I haven't eaten in what feels like years so, there's that too," I say.

"Jesus Christ, I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. Some things came up that I couldn't push aside, but I'm here now. Let's get you to the bathroom and bandaged up again. Unless you want me to take you back to the hospital to fix the stitches," he says.

"Nuh-uh. No hospital. I've had enough of that place for one day," I reply.

"Bathroom it is then," he says, carefully guiding me to the bathroom. Lifting me up and placing me on the counter, he brings out a first aid kit that has needles, threads, bandages, and lots of other stuff. Unwrapping my blood-soaked bandages, we see my stitches have indeed ripped open.

"Ok. This is gonna hurt like a bitch, so you might wanna put this in your mouth," he says, handing me a towel. Putting it in my mouth, he gets to work. Squeezing the life out of his arm as he removed the thread already in me, I feel lightheaded. Sad thing was, this was the easy part. The hard part would be stitching me up again, which was bound to hurt a hundred times more. Getting multiple alcohol wipes, he cleans the incision, making my body feel like it was on fire. Apologizing multiple times for the pain, I urge him to go on, despite my body wanting out of this torture. When he finishes stitching me back up, I feel like I've been run over by a car on repeat. I'm lightheaded, sweating, and have tears streaming down my face.

"Okay. Let's get some food in you and then we'll get you to bed," Alex says. Picking me up once again, he brings me to the kitchen and sits me down.

"So there's leftover Chinese from yesterday and some other stuff in here. Or I could make you something if you want. Unless you want me to go out and bring you something?" he says.

"At this point, I'll eat grass. Just give me something," I say, resting my head on the table. Taking out the Chinese food from the day before, he heats it up in the microwave. Taking it out and sitting down next to me, he grabs a fork and hands it to me. I take it, and attempt to feed myself, but fail miserably as my hands were too shaky from the lack of food.

"May I?" Alex asks. Nodding my head, he takes the fork and feeds me slowly. I felt useless. Pathetic. I was like a newborn baby that needed to be fed. Putting the fork down, he gets up to fill a glass with water and I can't stop the negative thoughts from filling my head.

He's only here because he pities you. Don't be stupid and think he actually cares.

Alex's P.O.V

To see her this hurt and broken both saddened and angered me. Her shit parents would pay for this soon, but right now my number one priority was making sure she was okay. I knew it would take a while for her to feel like her old self again, but I would rather watch her get better first than beat the shit out of those people she was living with. Plus, with time I'll be able to formulate a plan that will make sure they are hurt severely. Only because Scar wouldn't want me to kill them, that's the only reason why I wouldn't go that far. But God was that option tempting. As I got up to get her a glass of water, I could see she was in deep thought. But when I asked her what was on her mind, she told me it was nothing. And you know what? I get it. She's been through a lot. And I don't want to push. I just need her to know that I'm here for her.

Sitting down with the glass of water, I push a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Taking the glass, I slowly feed her the water, but that doesn't stop some of the water from coming out and running down the side of her mouth. God her lips looked tempting. Taking my thumb, I wipe the water away and run my thumb down her plum lips. Control yourself, Alex. But at that moment, fuck control. Pulling her face close to mine, I press her soft lips against mine. As we pull away, I look into her eyes, searching for something. Anything. But all she does is pull me in once more.


I know. I know. Kinda short, but you guys will be getting lengthier updates as we progress. As always, let me know what you guys think, and don't forget to comment, follow, share, and vote! I love you all and see you next Wednesday!

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