Getting ready

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*Time skip to the morning before the ball*

Harry and I walk hand in hand through the snow covered trees and I smile "Looking forward to tomorrow?" he shrugs "A whole night with you and then two weeks with no school. Sounds perfect." I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I'm going to miss you over the holidays." he nods "Yea." I grin and lean down picking up a handful of snow and throwing it at him. "Hey." I grin and start running ducking behind a tree as a snow ball goes whistling past.

I throw one back and duck back behind the tree waiting for him to retaliate. I risk look around the tree and get a face full of snow. I scowl and Harry bursts out laughing but stops when he gets snow in his mouth. I grin and move to a closer tree gathering a large amount of snow in my hands. I jump out from behind the tree and find that Harry isn't there. I look around and feel a snow ball hit the back of my head. I turn throwing mine in the same direction. I look around for Harry but can't see him anywhere.

Scowling I turn around in circles, Harry wraps his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear "Surprise." I yelp in and try to turn and face him but slip on a piece of ice and end up falling on top of Harry snow flying everywhere. He laughs and I push myself upward. "Sorry." he grins and pulls me down kissing me gently I run my hands through his hair smiling into the kiss "I love you Harry." he grins "I love you too Y/N." he stands and helps me up "We should probably get back so you can get ready." I nod slightly and we walk hand in hand back to the school.

I walk into my room and Lonnie smiles "Evie has been going frantic about where you went." I turn to my bed and find Evie sitting there grinning "I'm going to do your makeup and hair!" I smile slightly leaning on the wall "Alright." she claps and I roll my eyes "You go get ready yourself while I shower." she nods "I will be back in an hour." I nod and she grins leaving the room. Lonnie smiles "How was your walk?" I smile happily "It was great." I grab my dress and underwear and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower washing my hair and body.

Once I've finished I wrap a towel around myself and walk over to the door "Lonnie could you pass my hair brush I left it on my desk." her hand appears through the door holding my brush "Thank you." "No problem." I shut the door again and walk over to the mirror drying and brushing my hair. I slip my dress over my head and smile the fabric is so soft and it fits perfectly. I continue brushing through my hair so that it feels silky as I walk out the bathroom. 

Lonnie wolf whistles "Look at you." I roll my eyes and do a little twirl she claps and I smile "You also look amazing." she nods "I know." I smile "Jay's going to be speechless." she laughs "Jay, I think your going to give Harry some form of heart attack." I laugh and sit at my desk my skirt flowing around me. I pull on a pair of red heels and the door opens Evie breezing in looking stunning in her blue dress. "Makeup time." I smile and swivel in my seat "Do your worst." she laughs and rolls her eyes "So dramatic."

Lonnie laughs and grabs her purse "I'll see you two there." I wave slightly "Have fun." Evie turns back to me opening a large back of makeup "Close your eyes and don't open them until I'm done." I nod and do as told. After what feels like hours Evie says "Alright open." I open my eyes and turn in my seat towards the mirror. "Woah." she smiles "I know." there is a dark red on my lips and around my eyes and a light blush on my cheeks. I stand and hug her "Thank you." she nods "Of course." I sling a small purse over my shoulder putting my phone inside "Lets go find Dug and Harry." 

She nods and I pull on a fur lined coat, Evie doing the same. We walk out the room and I lock the door putting the key in my purse.

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