1st date

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I run a brush through my hair and leave it loose around my shoulders. I pull on my boots and my leather jacket, I find a small bag and put my phone, the sketchbook from harry, a pencil and my purse in it and sit on the edge of the bed. Evie smiles "Can I ask a personal question?" I nod slightly "Alright." she frowns slightly "Is this your first date?" I chuckle slightly and shake my head "No this is not my first date." she nods "Are you nervous?" I shrug "A little I guess." she smiles and theirs a knock at the door. I smile and stand walking over to the door. I take a deep breath then open the door and smile slightly "Hi Harry." he grins "You look wow."

I blush slightly and smile "Not to bad yourself, no hook?" he is wearing a loose white shirt, black trousers and a red leather jacket he shrugs "Didn't seem practical." Evie hands me my bag "Thanks." she nods and waves slightly "Have fun." I follow Harry outside and he leads me over to the school bikes handing me a helmet "Where are we going?" he smiles "It's a surprise." I take the helmet of him and sit behind him on the bike wrapping my arms gently around Harry's waist.   He starts the bike and drives to the town near to the school grounds. 

He parks the bike and the two of us walk through town. "Can I know where we are going yet?" he smiles and turns to face me "We're there." he sweeps his arm behind him and I smile behind him is a small ice cream shop called Frozen delights. I grin "Ice cream." he nods "It was recommended by the internet." I laugh "Ice cream is excellent." we walk inside and up to the counter. "Y/N I was wondering when you'd be in here again." I smile "Hi Abby." she smiles brightly "What can I get for you two?" 

Harry smiles at me "What do you recommend?" I smile "I think a selection of flavors would be good." Abby nods "Three, four, six or eight?" I smile "Four, surprise us." she nods "Coming right up." Harry places the money on the counter and we sit at a table in the window. "Do you come here a lot?" I smile and nod slightly "I go to lots of the small shops and cafes around here but this is definitely one of my favorites." he nods "I've never had ice cream before." I give him a half smile "They don't have it on the Isle?" he shakes his head "We don't have a lot on the Isle." I nod slightly "Well its very good. Just don't eat to fast or you'll give yourself a headache."

Abby places a bowl on the table with (favorite flavors) inside with two spoons fruit and cream. "Thank you." she nods smiling "Your welcome." she walks away and Harry picks up a spoon "Ladies first." I roll my eyes slightly but pick up the other spoon and take a spoonful. Harry smiles doing the same "What's it like on the Isle?" he shrugs "Dirty, cramped, dangerous." I nod slightly "There must be something good." he shrugs taking another bit of ice cream "The clothes are alright and some of the people." 

I nod and we continue eating "What's your home like?" I shrug "I love it at home the weather can be a bit temperamental but my home is surrounded by the woods and there is a lake which is perfect for swimming." he smiles "What about your parents?" I freeze for a moment my spoon hovering in the air before shrugging slightly "I already told you my father is Robin Hood and my mother is Merida DunBroch." he smiles "I know what are they like?" I smile slightly "My parents are complete opposites but with a love for archery and riding. But they are both kind and loving. What about you?" he sighs "My dad thought I was a waste of space and my mum passed away when I was seven." "I'm sorry." he shrugs "Not your fault." 

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