Capturing Robin Hood

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Striker P/O/V:

I smile at the prince and princess licking the meat of the chicken bone and putting my feet up on the table in-front of me causing the princess to grimace "So you want me to dispose of Robin Hood?" they both nod and the princess crosses her arms "But you must be discrete." I grin chewing on the bone "Discrete is my middle name." the prince rolls his eyes and throws me a large bag "Your payment and some other things."

Grinning I take it and stretch "Much obliged your highness." I stand dropping the clean bone on my empty plate "Well you've been very kind your man will be out of your hair within forty eight hours." I do an over the top bow and sling the bag onto my back. "Nice meeting ya." the prince smiles tightly "This is all very secretive." I grin flashing him my teeth "Sure thing not a word to anyone." 

I walk out the room and outside taking a deep breath smiling at being back in the open air. I summon my magic shifting into my wolf form and running into the trees. Within five hours I come to my castle. I grin shifting back into human form and strutting up to the castle doors pushing them open. It's dusty and half the furniture is tipped over. I sigh and stalk around every weapon and magical item has been taken. 

Dropping the bag in my room I right the rest of the castle and prowl around the kitchen, nothing but moldy food and a few cans. I find a bottle of whisky at the back of one of the cupboards and down it. Find the thief, stock the cupboards, stay hidden. Certainly better than the isle. I grab some rope and shift back into wolf form running into the woods towards the Loxley castle. 

After hours of running I come to the edge of the tree line. The princess, a little girl and Loxley are all standing outside. Loxely hugs the two of them and mounts his horse heading towards the trees. I grin and run after him in wolf form jumping out in-front of his horse spooking it. It rears up throwing Loxley to the ground. He grunts and sits up calling to his horse as it bolts away. 

I grin shifting back into a human swinging the rope around in one hand "Robin Loxley you are under arrest." he scowls at me before fear spreads across his face "You should be on the Isle." I grin pulling the rope taught "Surprise." He stands patting himself down probably searching for weapons.  I sigh and grab his arm tying them behind his back "I'm afraid your gonna have to come with me." 

I drag him back to my castle stopping only when the sun has set. I start a small fire and tie him to a tree while I hunt for something to eat. When I get back I grin at him "Something the matter?" he scowls "Why the hell are you doing this? What have I done to you?" I shrug "Absolutely nothing, you've hurt my employers they set me free and payed me to dispose of you." he scowls "So your going to kill me?" I stretch "Where's the fun in that, I'm just going to lock you up for a bit and see what the world offers."

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