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Sinbad wouldn't really like to just barge into someone's office while they're working, but he has no other choice. Jafar has been acting weird lately, and that being said, he's been more serious about everything. Just the other day, while Sinbad and Sharrkan went out drinking, Jafar almost had a panic attack and when he found them at the bar, he scolded them saying that the kingdom could've been attacked while they were getting drunk. Now, that wouldn't seem to out of the ordinary for Jafar, but just the way his eyes darted around the room made it feel like something was off. Sinbad was determined to find out.

I know this chapter is sooo short, but this is basically just kinda like a prologue; explaining why Sinbad is doing this and what's been happening. But I planned on doing something for Jafar as a prologue but then I was like, "that would spoil it tho." So yea.

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