Chapter 6

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Heyo, everyone! Sorry it's been so long, I've been quite busy with school. As a matter of fact, I actually just did a survey on going to High School, yeah~! Haha. I'm not ready... Anyway, I wanted to do more of this story because idk I LOVE it and ik a lot you guys do too so here we go! Also, what's your favorite thing to do?

Sinbad was becoming tired of all the work pulling up at his desk. It was making him nauseous thinking about what kind of things Jafar went through while Sin went out drinking. But hey, as long as Jafar stayed inside the palace until Yamuraiha made a cure for him, he should be safe. And not suspect a thing... Suddenly his office door slammed open, the furry of a tiny kitten's rage flew into the atmosphere of the entire room. Sinbad felt uneasy as he slowly tried to get out through the window, but to no avail did he get the chance to. Ja'far jumped on him, pinning him to the ground.

"Haha! I got you! You slow old man!" Sinbad felt a vein pop out of his head, making him almost yell.

"I'm not an old man! You're just way too young~!" Jafar chuckled slightly, never moving to get off of his friend. Instead, he placed his chin comfortably on Sinbad's head, making sure the other male was not being hurt by it.

"Ya know, ever since I woke up... I've been having this feeling of some sort..." Sinbad prayed in his mind that Ja'far wasn't really catching onto his lies but then, just as the statement came, it left. Ja'far went completely silent... only after a few minutes he snickered. "Aw what do you care?!" He got off of his friend, stretching. Sin stood up after him, worry all over his face.

"But I do care. I care about you, Ja'far. Why else would I have saved you from the darkness you were hiding in?" Jafar huffed, turning away, probably hiding his blush again.

"...I didn't ask for you to save me." He mumbled. Sinbad chuckled, hugging Ja'far tightly. "S-Sin?! Put me down!" Sinbad laughed as Ja'far screamed when he threw him up into the air. Ja'far landed back in Sin's arms, his hair a wild mess and his eyes dilated, making him look like a scrawny cat. He looked down. "You are soooo very dead once I get my weapons back, you hear?!" He threatened. Sin just laughed it off, setting Ja'far back down.

Ja'far immediately ran to the corner of the room where he had been before he had left to use the bathroom. Oh yeah, that's right, Sin was looking after Ja'far for the day today... haha. Sinbad heard the sounds of scribbling when he sat back down at his desk. He looked over at Jafar, seeing that he was working on his handwriting.

Sin smiled at his friend, going back to his paperwork.

———Timeskip: lunch———-

"Sin~! Lunch started 30 minutes ago~! Come on~!!" Jafar pulled on Sinbad's clothing, trying to get the other to move, but it was no use. Sinbad was out cold, leaving the little kitten to fend for itself. Ja'far huffed, looking around to see if anything would wake up the male. He noticed the window and smirked to himself...

——-in the dining hall——-

"Have either of you seen Jafar or Sin?" Yamuraiha and Sharrkan asked the other generals who were chatting and eating their gourmet foods. Pisti shook her head.

"Haven't seen them since this morning. Why?" Yam sighed, face palming. She turned to Sharrkan, them both nodding.

"We'll go check Sinbad's office." They said to the others, leaving.

———back in Sin's office——

This rope will do. Hmmm. But where should I- Oh! There we go! Ja'far smiled to himself as he finished his masterpiece, pulling the thick rope under Sinbad's chair and around Sin's sleeping body. "This is what happens when you play sleeping beauty, Sin." Jafar whispered playfully. He then opened the huge windows in the office, dragging the chair with him. "Come on-hngh!- sleeping beauty!" Jafar told Sin as he struggled to move the chair.

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