Chapter 2

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I'm mostly doing this chapter because it's #4 in sinja, which I still can't get over! And a follower wanted another chapter so yeah! Thank you to that certain follower I got my inspiration from you to make this chapter!

"Where's the real Jafar?"

Jafar's eyes lowered, he reeled his hand back into the closet. Sinbad made sure that Jafar couldn't stab him through the holes, but also that he could see his friend. Jafar sighed. "...I have no idea how this happened..." He whispered.

"How what happened?" Sinbad asked, getting more worried. Of course, he knew that this was Jafar but there was something about him that was... different. Jafar never looked around a room frantically before... he did that when he was a child.

"Do you not understand?! You fucking stupid king!?" Jafar yelled. "I've been trying to hold myself back, BUT I don't know if can anymore!" He threw a punch at the door, probably leaving a crack in it on the other side. Sinbad was becoming scared now. Jafar would never harm the palace unless needed to. And he was also cussing, just like when he was younger.

Don't tell me...! Sinbad thought, his eyes widening.

"I RAN INTO THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE AND HE TURNED MY MENTALITY BACK WHEN I WAS A KID, YOU DUMBASS!... Sorry, I just can't control my mouth when I yell right now... But there's your explanation. Sooner or later, my body's going to shrink and I'll lose my memories of my adventures with you..." Jafar explained.

Sinbad put his hand over his mouth, holding in a little chuckle. "Whats so funny?" Jafar asked, a little annoyed. Sinbad just spirt out in laughter.

"It's just that I was imagining how everyone would react to you being a small child! How old is your mentality right now?"

"About 10 or 11..." Sinbad full out laughed.

"Hahaha! This is going to be so funny! I can just imagine Hinahoho being like, 'oh god no. Yamuraiha, get away from him!' While Yam would be all around you and squeezing your cheeks." Jafar huffed, probably pouting.

"...That's... probably what will happen... fuck! Hey um, Sin!"


"Go get some smaller clothes!"


"Just do it, you stupid fucking king!"

"Jeez ok... smaller than Aladdin's?"


Time skip: few minutes later

(Jafar has smaller clothes on)

Sinbad looked down at the tiniest little kid he'd ever seen. Jafar looked just like how he did when he was younger, like a little toddler. He was short and cute, which made him look so much younger than what he was.

He smiled at the glaring kitten under him and lowered to his level. "Hey Jafar, do you know where you are?" Sinbad asked, tying to sound like someone talking to a child. Was he doing it right? Jafar's brows lowered.

"I'm in the fucking palace, dibshit." Oh. That was unexpected. Sinbad opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another voice. Sharrkan's.

"Oh hey Sin! Have you seen Jafar anywhere? I know he's supposed to be resting, but I need to ask him about some training lessons in stealth." Jafar's eyes widened as he quickly hid behind Sinbad. Sinbad looked at the smaller boy.

"Don't tell him." Jafar begged. Sinbad sighed, moving out of the way so that Jafar would be shown. Sharrkan stopped right in his tracks, staring at the little boy. "Fuck." Jafar mumbled, looking down. Sharrkan walked over to the boy.

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