Chapter 9

324 19 7

Start time: 6:02 Pm Nov 14
End time: 4:30 Pm Nov 15
Ahhh I just love writing fight scenes... *manga spoiler but it's not really important so meh*

Sinbad clenched onto the hilt of his sword. The man, who was supposed to be dead, Ul, was standing right in front of him. Sin had heard of this man, who was Jafar's old master who he, Vittel and Mahad had killed. How was he alive? It should impossible for someone to come back to life! Well... it has been done before... like Jafar in Zepar's dungeon. "It's nice to see you finally, Sinbad." Ul greeted. Sin huffed.

"Where's Jafar?" He demanded. Ul snickered, removing the bandages hat covered his face. Sinbad's eyes widened at the sight of rotten flesh and cold white skin. I bet his heart isn't even beating. He guessed.

"He has to pay for doing this to me, him and his older brother. But I'll dispose of Vittel after this." Sinbad raised his brow. Jafar did have sibling/s? And one/they was/were Vittel? Ul chuckled at Sinbad's reaction. How come Jafar and Vittel never told us? Suddenly Ul was right in front of Sin, almost stabbing him with a small knife.

"Nhph!" Sinbad jumped back after deflecting his knife, making it fly off into the ocean below the cliff they were standing on. "What are you doing to Jafar!?" He demanded again. Ul once again snickered, standing up straight.

"I'm making his precious older brother torture him at this very moment. The pain should be so intense, especially to his tiny body!" Sinbad charged at Ul, using Baal's djinn equip. He blasted lighting at Ul, and it shot a deep hole in his chest. Yet, still having that serious of a wound, Ul got back up. "You should know by now, Sinbad, the dead can't die again until their consciousness fades away." Sinbad gritted his teeth, blasting more lighting at Ul.

"Then I'll wait for your consciousness to slip away!" Ul laughed out in all the lighting, his crimson red eyes jerking towards Sin.

"But will your friend survive?" Sinbad's eyes lowered for a moment as he slowly slowed down his attacks. He needed to defeat Ul right now. He couldn't waste another second. So, I'm the end, he decided to just charge at Ul, trying to throw him off the cliff into the water below. But was there more to that plan...?


"Sounds like quite a ruckus out there, doesn't it, Jafar?" Jafar huffed, fixing his belt against his waist. The wires snaked around his arms and legs perfectly. Man did he miss these babies.

"Sin likes to make an appearance, but I think we can do better, dontcha think, Vittel?" Vittel put his hands over his hips, chuckling.

"I don't know, maybe. Now if it was Aubrey... he could make quite an entrance. Like when he hid under a rock and followed me all around the guild and when I was in a meeting he scared even the higher ups. I think he killed one of them too..." Jafar laughed, adjusting the belt a little tighter around his waist.

"Yeah, he killed that old asshole Quil. I still remember when he awarded for killing a higher up. Hahaha! Do you remember when he crashed his own birthday with his own blood!? Now that was hilarious! Haha!"

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that!" -


Both siblings looked over at the new hole in the wall. Sharrkan laid in the rubble, rubbing his head. "Nhnhh! GIVE US BACK JAFAR!" A corpse ran at Sharrkan, who was still stuck in the rubble. Jafar sighed, flying his new darts at the corpse's head, making it fall over. "Huh?!" Sharrkan looked star struck, looking up at the male looking down at him. Jafar smiled.

"Thanks for taking care of me while I was sick, Shark!" Sharrkan pointed up at Jafar, his hand squirming all over in shock. His face was just one emotion: astonishment. Jafar closed his eyes, shaking his head gently while smiling. He put his hands in his pockets on his pants. He stared at the new corpses in front of them, grinning ear to ear. "Now let's take care of these corpses, shall we?"


"Yamuraiha!" Sinbad yelled.

"On it, my king!" Yam suddenly appeared at his side, using her water magic to send the oceans waves over the cliff. The waves washed over Ul, making him fall into the raging ocean beneath the cliff.

"Pisti!" Sin yelled again.

"Of course, Sin!" Pisti, on her bird, whistled and some sea monsters appeared, swimming towards Ul who was in the water. Ul smirked, using rukh that he couldn't have himself- because he's dead- to blast himself up.

"W-what!?" Sinbad questioned in astonishment.

"Sinbad, did Jafar ever tell you how he and his friends defeated me?" Sinbad shook his head, confused. Ul placed his feet gently on the now wet grass. "They used their rukh, their remaining life, to kill me. They overfilled me with rukh, because I'm basically created with rukh. I barely even had a body in the first place-." (This is kinda how it went down, right? I can't remember...)

"Why're you telling me this?" Ul shrugged. (Seriously why do villains always come out with their plans or how somebody defeated them during battle? It gives off so much information for the good guys.)

"Stalling, maybe? Idk." Sinbad clenched his fists. "Anyway, now that I don't require rukh to be alive, I can use anyone's rukh to my own advantage!" Suddenly everyone's rukh started to flow out of their bodies. Ul raised his hands and the rukh started to flow to them. Sinbad dropped to his knees, although he was mostly immune to things like this, for some reason, he wasn't immune to this.

Sweat fell from his forehead as he looked at his generals. Sharrkan was nowhere to be seen. Where was that sword-freak?! Yamuraiha struggled to get her magic running, Masur had fallen to his knees, like Sinbad, but cracked the ground underneath him, Pisti and her bird had flown down to ground, crashing into it, Hinahoho was clenching onto his weapon for leverage, but kept falling, Spartos tried to aim for Ul with his spear, but ended up dropping it and falling to the ground, and Drakon slowly placed his head on ground in pain. "Y-you fucking dare t-touch any of t-them and I'll-!" Ul chuckled, grabbing Sinbad's chin, making him look at him in the eyes.

"I can kill everyone here right now with the snap of my fingers. You lose." Lose? Lose!? Lose!? Sinbad never loses, he knew that. It had been imprinted inside his mind for so long. He glared at Ul, his golden eyes slowly fading. "I guess I'll take you out first." Ul stated as he picked Sinbad up by his neck effortlessly. He walked over to the side of the cliff, handing Sinbad off of the side of it.

"F-fuck you." Ul snickered, taking more rukh from Sinbad. Sin couldn't even feel his body anymore. He couldn't move his body. He'd drown.

"Goodbye, Sinbad~." Then slowly, as if in slow motion, Ul let Sinbad go.

"NO!" All of the generals yelled/screamed as he started to fall. Every second was in slow motion, Sin realized as he fell. The sounds of waves hitting the rocks below slowed. The sounds of his generals yelling slowed, everything slowed.

"You're a wimp when it comes to losing, Sin. I guess that's why I'm here."

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