Chapter 3

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Found this image on Pinterest and it kinda looks like Jafar (it said it was Jafar but idk) and in this chapter we're going to get some up and downs so I was like, why not give them a little warning as a picture. So there ya are. Also, I was kinda sad that we didn't get at least an episode in adventures of Sinbad where they dealt with one of Jafar's meltdowns, because I know he had some. Characters don't just change personalities easily. So I decided to show what they did when he had these meltdowns.

"What happened, Yam!?" Sinbad demanded as Hina ran over to the sobbing child in the corner of the room. Yamuraiha was somewhat dazed, her body swaying side to side, but she regained her posture immediately.

"I-I don't know! I was running some tests on him when I saw that the back of his legs had scars running up them. He showed me them, but didn't tell me how he got them." Sinbad rubbed his temples, sighing. He knew about those scars, but didn't know the backstory behind them either. "Anyway, when I wasn't getting any answers from him, I tried to use my magic to see in the past. I think I went a little too far back and he started to cry before I could see what happened in the past. He asked who I was and demanded to see you and this lady named Rurumu, but I couldn't get a hold of you or Rurumu. So then he started to mumble some names over and over again, saying, 'I'm so sorry...,' I didn't know what to do so I just asked him to clam down and tried to use my magic to put him to sleep but he freaked out and kicked me back. I hit my head on the table, passing out."

Sinbad groaned, turning to look at Hinahoho and the still sobbing Jafar. Sin walked over to them, gesturing for Hina to help out Yam, to which, he did. Hina trusted Sin to take care of his son. Once the two were gone, Sinbad looked at Jafar, tapping Jafar's shoulder. "Hey buddy, mind looking at me?" Jafar poked his head out of his knees, looking at Sin with puffy eyes from crying.

"Hey Sin..." Jafar shivered, huddling closer to himself. "W-where's Rurumu...?" Sinbad's heart dropped along with his eyes. Rurumu was Jafar's adopted mother, who practically raised him from a young age. But she was long gone. He shook his head.

"Sorry, bud, but she's..." No. Sinbad couldn't tell Jafar about it. Especially when he didn't remember anything. He needed to come up with a lie. "...She's not here right now. She'll be back as soon as possible." Jafar slowly nodded.

"Ok... why do you look... old...?" Jafar asked, looking more at Sinbad. Sin kept a vein from popping out of his head and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He put his hand over Jafar's shoulder.

"There's a lot we need to talk about, bud, but right now, you look like you need some sleep. I mean, just look at those dark circles under your eyes." Sinbad wiped underneath Jafar's eyes, where there were bags under. Jafar leaned into the warm touch of Sin's hand and closed his eyes.

"I don't need to sleep, Sin." Jafar complained. "I'm not tired *yawn*" Sinbad snickered, lifting Jafar into his arms. Jafar made a cute little Yelp but didn't make any move to leave the grip of his friend. Sinbad then led them out of Yamuraiha's office all the way to Jafar's bedroom, which thankfully, wasn't too far away.

Once they got there Jafar's brows lowered. He looked around the room, scanning it. Sinbad chuckled. "It's fine, Jafar. This is your room. Nothing will come to get you, ok." Jafar huffed.

"If something came to get me they'd be fucking dead like the fuckers they are." He retaliated. Sin nodded, knowing exactly how it would end up if someone would try to kidnap Jafar. Although, since Jafar's weapons were longer than before, they would be out of commission for a while until they were adjusted to fit Jafar's tiny arms. Well, maybe Jafar kept smaller wires in his room that Sinbad could look around for while the younger boy slept.

Shaking his head, removing the thought from his head, Sinbad lowered the small kitten onto the huge bed compared to it. Jafar kept his grip on Sin's clothing, trying to go back into his embrace. Sinbad laughed at Jafar's childish nature. He smiled when he noticed Jafar's feet. Jafar noticed this and shook his head, eyes pleading no. Sinbad reached to Jafar's feet, tickling them. Jafar immediately bursted out in laughter, kicking playfully around as Sinbad continued to tickle the little boy. "There's that laugh!" Sinbad told mostly himself as Jafar laughed.

"Hahaha! Stop! It tickles! Hahaha! I-I can't breathe! Hahaha!" Sinbad decided to take pity on the younger male and stopped tickling him. Jafar took these few moments to catch his breath. Once he was done, Sin sat down on the bed as he unfolded the covers. Jafar slouched. "I said I'm not fucking tired..." He stated. Sin chuckled.

"That's not true, you look like you could sleep for a week!" Jafar pouted, turning away, his white fluffy hair moving with him. He sat criss-cross, crossing his arms. "Aw come on." Jafar refused to look at his friend. "Don't tell me you are afraid to sleep alone, huh?" Jafar turned to Sinbad, pointing at him, blush covering his entire face.

"N-NO! I'm not afraid! I'll sleep all by myself, dibshit!" Sinbad's heart hurt, for one, it was the fact that Jafar was blushing so much that he looked like a pure tomato, something he never got to see, and two, he's still being called 'dibshit.'

"Then prove it." Sinbad dared. Their faces were only inches apart. (No, I'm not making them kiss. Jafar's mentally and physically 11, almost 12 and Sinbad is almost (yes I did change his age a little to make him a little younger) 25. I do not condone pedophilia. I think that's what it is, but yeah.)

(In the adventures of Sinbad I do not ship Jafar and Sinbad because they're, in my opinion, too young, especially Jafar, and they're too focused on other things so yeah)

Jafar huffed, jumping under the covers and turning away from Sinbad. "Now you have to leave." He stated. Sinbad chuckled and ruffled Jafar's hair, making him look at the older male. "What's so funny?" He asked. Sin shook his head.

"It's nothing. I'm happy you're feeling better. When I saw you having one of those meltdowns..." A hand came over Sinbad's shoulder as a little tear was falling down his cheek. Jafar looked serious.

"What did I say, Sin?"


"If you disappoint me, I'll kill you. You're still alive, right?" Sinbad nodded. Jafar smiled, removing his hand from Sin's shoulder. "Then both you and I are alright!" He cheered, falling back onto the bed, pulling the covers over his body. Sinbad smiled and tucked Jafar in more, flicking his nose. "You don't need to treat me like a fucking child, Sin." Jafar complained. Sin snickered as he blew out the candles in the room.

He was about to leave, but then he heard Jafar's voice. "S-Sin...?" Sinbad turned back and headed to the bed.

"What's up?" It was hard to see Jafar's face, but the shine of a tear falling on his cheek proved that he couldn't sleep alone, or at least fall asleep alone.

"Will you at least stay until I fall asleep...? I-I'm scared of the dark... it brings back memories I don't want to remember..." Sinbad nodded and went around to the other side of the bed, crawling into it. He laid next to Jafar, listening to the sounds of the latters soft breathing. After a few minutes, Jafar rolled over and was practically on top of Sin. He was asleep after an hour.

Sinbad carefully maneuvered his way out of the bed so that he wouldn't wake up the sleeping kitten. He slowly opened the door and closed it behind him out into the hallway. Then he tiptoed away as he made his way to go find Yamuraiha, Hina and he other generals to tell them the situation.

Once he got them all in the meeting room, he cleared his throat. "The reason I called you all here was because of well um... Jafar." Everyone looked around. They were all still confused from earlier, probably. "He's lost his memories and only remembers me and Hinahoho. So I will ask of you all to not mention anything about you knowing him, please. He's also mentally I think 12, so he'll be cussing a lot because he did as a kid. Try not to ask about his past, as he does not take it lightly too much. I don't know when he'll be back to normal or if he'll ever come back to normal. Yamuraiha is working on something at the moment and I'll make sure that he comes in for daily check-ups for you , Yam." Yamuraiha nodded, shivering a little, remembering the kind of meltdown Jafar had. "That's all, right now he's asleep in his room so try not to make too much noise around his room. Me and Hina will be the only ones to check on him while he's sleeping until he gets to know you all again." Everyone nodded. "Dismissed." Sinbad finished.

This was going to be some few weeks...

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