Chapter 4

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"Say hi, Jafar." Sinbad instructed Jafar, who was hiding behind his legs, glaring at everyone in the room.

"No..." He whispered. His eyes mostly fixed on Yamuraiha, who took a step back, chuckling. Jafar looked away at Sinbad's legs, hugging them. "I want to go back to Vittel and Mahad..." He mumbled into Sin's leg. Sinbad's heart dropped once again. How was he supposed to explain that they were dead? He sighed.

"Vittel and Mahad are with Rurumu right now. They'll be back soon." Sinbad assured the small male, picking him up. Jafar kicked around in his friends arms, not wanting to be out of his hiding spot. "Just say hi and let them introduce themselves." Sin told him. Jafar huffed, pouting.

"Hi." He mumbled. Sin decided that was enough hat he was going to get so he didn't push it. Yamuraiha stepped forward first, bowing to her king. Jafar raised a brow in confusion.

"Sinbad, I'd like to introduce myself to your... child...?" Sinbad's face turned bright red as he looked away. 'Child!?' Jafar also looked like a tomato, blushing brighter than Sin. He shuffled in Sinbad's arms, hiding his face. Yamuraiha chuckled, tapping Jafar on the shoulder. "Hi, Jafar. We met yesterday, but I don't think I got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Yamuraiha." Jafar looked at Sinbad, who nodded, then reluctantly looked at Yamuraiha.

"Yam-er-i-a?" He asked. Yamuraiha chuckled again, ruffling Jafar's soft white hair. "Yam..." Jafar mumbled, pouting. Yamuraiha nodded at him.

"That's my nickname. You can call me that." She told Jafar, waving to him as she walked away to the rest of the generals. Sharrkan stepped forward, after sticking his tongue out at Yam. He waved at Jafar, who glared at him.

"Hi, Jafar! I'm Sharrkan, but you can call me Sharr-!"

"Shark." Jafar interrupted. Sharrkan's eyes slowly looked down at the smaller male who was now on the floor. Sinbad seemed shocked that he was suddenly out of his arms, stepping back. A vein popped out of his head as he slowly turned away.

"Y-yes... I guess..." Yamuraiha snickered at him, nudging him and whispering the word 'shark' over and over. Spartos then stepped forward.

"Hello, I am Spartos. Call me what you wish." Jafar grinned at Spartos, nodding.

"I like this one... Spar-tos, right?" Spartos nodded. Jafar smiled, waving bye to the other male as he walked next to Hinahoho. Drakon then walked to Jafar.

"Hey ugh, Jafar, you might not remember me but I'm-."

"Drakon." Jafar interrupted. Drakon paused, his eyes twitching a little from shock. Sinbad was also shocked along with Hinahoho. "I would never forget the voice that told me I was trouble along with Sin." Jafar explained, his voice sounding serious. "Never thought I'd see you again, though." Drakon chuckled, slowly moving away from the smaller male. Next was Pisti.

"Hi! I'm Pisti!" She gave her hand out for Ja'far to shake, to which, he did, reluctantly. She smiled at him, giving a big thumbs up. "I bet Sin had fun making you with another woman!" Ja'far burst out in laughter, holding his stomach from laughing too much.

"I gotta hand it to you, Sin, these friends of yours are quite messed up!" Sinbad slouched, moving into the corner of the room. He had caught on to what his generals were doing a while ago. He had told them to act like they didn't know the kid, so they decided to take it a step further with acting like they thought Ja'far was Sinbad's kid. At first it was hilarious, but now it was embarrassing. "I'm more of Sinbad's younger brother, to say, not his son. Sorry." Ja'far explained as he wiped away a tear of laughter.

"Oh? Is that so? I guess we all kinda got excited when Sin told us he would be introducing us a child." Pisti shrugged, looking back at everyone else. Masrur slumped, walking forward.

"I'm Masrur..." He greeted with a quick wave gesture. Ja'far returned the wave just as quickly. Sinbad, now that everyone had been introduced, walked over to Ja'far, grabbing his hand. Ja'far huffed, straining on the hold.

"Bitch..." He mumbled.

"I heard that!"

I know this chapter is very short but I wanted to continue this story and I also wrote most of this on my phone and that's why all the sudden it was "Jafar" to "Ja'far"

Hehe bye!

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