Chapter 8

369 18 4

Start time: 11:52 Am Nov 14
End time: 2:02 Pm Nov 14

"Good job Jafar, now clean yourself up from the blood." Ul instructed the 6 year old boy who's eyes were dilated as they stared at his dead parents laying on the floor. Ul pushed Jafar out of the room, making him realize what had happened. He fell to the ground, his legs giving out. He grabbed his shoulders and broke down into sobs.

"Mom.. dad..." He whispered, hugging himself. He shook, eyes never leaving the ground as tears hit the floor. The cool, stone floor filled with his tears as he cried out. He stuffed his face into his legs, crying softly. "Where are you...? I just want to go home..."

"Hmph... looks like I missed it... Hey, Jafar, you doing ok?" Someone kneeled down and placed their hand over Jafar's shaking shoulder. Jafar looked up at them with red, puffy eyes. It was Vittel. "I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner. No one should go through what you've just been through." Jafar swallowed, leaping into his older brothers arms.

"Vittel! Mom and dad, I killed them! I- I KILLED THEM!" Jafar cried as he wrapped his arms around Vittel's neck. Vittel noticed the blood on his face and sighed, standing up.

"Let's get you cleaned up, hm?" Jafar nodded into his brothers shoulder, letting him carry him away from the room.

——————-1 year later————

"Jaffy...? Where's mommy and daddy?" Jafar's little brother, Aubrey, who was 5, asked. Aubrey had white hair and golden eyes with freckles. Jafar looked down at his feet, chuckling to himself. Aubrey suffered from Alzheimer's, although it usually only effected older people, Aubrey had gotten it when he was 2.

"They're dead, Aubrey. I killed them." Aubrey's eyes downed as he drew circled in the dirt. He started to slowly whistle to himself, humming a little. Jafar watched his younger with bags under his eyes. Aubrey was only 5, yet he was way too skinny. You see, the way the Sham Lash guild worked was that how many missions you go on and complete, determines how much food you get. That's why when Jafar's parents died, they stopped getting food for some time. Vittel left on missions with his friend, Mahad, a lot to collect food for the family, but it wasn't enough to keep them going for long. Sooner or later Aubrey or Jafar would die from hunger.

"Jaffy?" Aubrey asked after drawing whatever he was drawing.

"Hm?" Jafar responded, huddling further onto the bed he sat on.

"Why are you always so grumpy?" Jafar looked down at his younger brother again, his amber eyes tracing the slim child.

"Because I have nothing to make me happy..." Jafar replied, going back to looking into space. Aubrey huffed, climbing onto the bed and pushing on Jafar's leg. "What?" Aubrey stuck his tongue out at his older brother, huffing.

"You have things in your life that can make you happy, but you choose not to focus on them or notice them. For example: me! I can make you happy but you choose to ignore me! I don't like that!" Jafar's eyes widened as he huffed, looking away. "Hey! Look at me! I'm talking to you!" Jafar shook his head.

"The last time I showed love to someone else they died." He mumbled. Aubrey physically pouted, pushing more on his brothers leg. "I'm not looking at you~" Jafar basically teased without knowing. Aubrey pouted further, jumping onto Jafar and shaking him. "Aubrey..."

"Jaffyyyy~~~! Play with meeee~~~!"


"Why not!? Are you afraid of me or something!?"

"What!? No!"

"Then why not!?"

"Because I can't!"

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