Chapter 10 End

472 21 13

Start time: 4:34 Pm Nov 15
End time: 6:38 Pm Nov 15
Might be the end of this book. Aw.

"You're a wimp when it comes to losing, Sin. I guess that's why I'm here."

Sinbad opened his eyes quickly, seeing that he was still on the wet soil. Did he never fall off the cliff. Ul's eyes said yes. Sinbad had imagined it all, from the falling, to the voice of Jafar... Suddenly a hand came over his head, hitting him. "H-hey-!?" Sinbad's eyes widened...

.... "Listen to me when I talk to you! Stop daydreaming of you losing and start winning, Sin!" Jafar looked absolutely fabulous in the almost skin tight pants with a belt around his waist and his hands in his pockets with huge sleeves covering his arms. That's when Sinbad realized it. Jafar wasn't younger anymore!

"D-do you remember!?"

"Yeah, dumbstick!" Oh? New vocabulary... "Now stop asking questions and finish this guy off before I do it myself!" Sinbad tried to stand up, but he failed. "Oh? Are you in need of assistance?" Sinbad suddenly felt more rukh fly out his body, he fell to the ground, unable to muster any more strength. "I'll take that as a yes." Jafar stated, patting Sinbad's head gently. "Sharrkan's nearby and fine, just so ya know. Come on, Vittel."

"Who said you're in charge!?"

"Oh I don't know, last time I checked I was chief of you and Mahad. Where even is he anyway?" Vittel huffed, crossing his arms. How? How was Vittel alive? How were they not affected by Ul? Seems like Ul had those same questions.

"H-how did you break my magic, Vittel!?" Ul demanded. Vittel chuckled, shrugging.

"Was never under your spell in the first place." Jafar turned and glared at his brother. Vittel raised his hands in defense.

"So you beat me up without any sympathy!?" Vittel slumped. Jafar sighed, walking forward, his brother following suit. Ul backed away, either from fear or from confusion.

"How are you not being affected by my magic, Jafar!? I know you're still alive!" Jafar snickered a little, tilting his head to the side. It was scary...

"It's simple, actually. When we battled you years ago, I was supposed to die, but my connection with Baal saved me. I stopped aging, to say, after the age of ummm let's see... 18? I'm around 20-21 right now so maybe ughh... 19? Let's just say 19. I won't die from old age, is what I'm saying, meaning my rukh is endless, just like a magi's. although I don't have their magic powers, I could be considered one." Ul grunted, keeping his feet planted.

"Then you can still die from physical damage!" He blasted his own wires at Jafar, to which, he dodged with ease and grabbed them, examining them.

"...They're rusty... and soooo~ old. Do you ever clean or replace these?! This makes me think you don't even stretch! How can you call yourself an assassin, dude!?" Sinbad raised a brow in confusion at this interaction. Jafar was acting so very completely different from his usual self. Ul snarled, pulling his wires along with Jafar back.

But before he had a chance to get a hit on Jafar, Vittel punched him away. And for that split second they shared a glare. "Don't touch my brother." He warned. Ul backed away again, concern written all over his face. Jafar grinned as he readied his darts. He flew the, towards Ul, Ul dodging them for the most part.

"Come on! Is that all you got, my pupil!?" Jafar snickered, wrapping the ends of his wires around his fingers. Suddenly the darts started to move faster and moved with more elegance.

"You're the own who taught me this, master." Jafar commented while Vittel focused on trying to get the rukh back into everyone. He placed his hand over the ball of rukh, focusing his energy on getting it to go back to everyone. After a few minutes, he yelled,

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