Flying Free With Him 💛

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Hawks POV- The Hero Commission wouldn't stop bugging me after I had left them to raise Yuki and it was getting on my nerves so I arrive at their building to see what the heck that they wanted so I got taken up to his office then I walked inside and the door shut behind me "Seems like you've been busy Hawks you married one of the most wanted villains in this city and now you two are raising a child named Yuki Todoroki right I think that we should take the child under our care since I don't trust a villain to raise a child right I mean we did pretty good with you Hawks!" He said I got so angry "Dabi doesn't do bad things anymore and he's a great Dad Yuki loves him to pieces! And another thing I'm glad that I left this place since all you people did was train me I didn't get to be a proper kid and I'm not going to let that happen to my son he's going to Fly Free with Me and you people better stay the heck out of my life and Yuki's because I'm done you hear me and don't you ever speak bad about my husband ever again he's amazing!" I said angrily as I stormed out of the office and the building as I flew home once I got inside Dabi greeted me at the door with Yuki right behind him and that sight made me smile "Welcome home Daddy." Yuki said as he ran over to me hugging me so I picked him up and held him close "Thank you Sunshine." I said then Dabi came over as he joined the hug after we stopped hugging I put Yuki down as he ran to go play in his room then Dabi came back over as he picked me up holding me in his arms as he walked over to the couch as he sat down holding me as I told him everything he was a angry to I could tell, but he just held me close "I'm so happy that I get to fly free with you and Yuki it was the best decision that I ever made!" I said smiling then Dabi just kissed the heck out of me after he stopped He said "I couldn't agree more Baby Bird." I just kissed him and it was the most amazing feeling ever I love him with my whole heart 💙 My boys are my whole world and I couldn't be happier this is the happiest that I've ever been in my whole life and I couldn't be more thankful for Dabi and Yuki 💛

Dabi X Hawks One Shots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now