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Dabi's POV- Happiness wasn't something that came easy for me, but ever since I met Hawks that all changed he brought out the happiness that I was hiding because of my past and ever since then I've been a much happier person even though life hasn't been so easy on me at least now I can say that my life has definitely took a turn for the better I've got Hawks and Yuki they just make me so happy! Yuki walked into the room "Papa Daddy wants to see you." Yuki said "Thanks Sunshine." I said as I walked past him up to Hawks' study "You wanted to see me?" I asked "Of course come here Handsome." Hawks said so I walked over to him as he stood up as he kissed me after he stopped I just smiled "So I was thinking that we could send Yuki over to Shoto's tonight so that we could have some alone time cause I've missed that just a little bit." Hawks said "I like the sound of that Baby Bird plus Shoto loves to babysit Yuki anyways so it's a win win." I said as I kissed his cheek so I called Shoto and he agreed to watch Yuki for us which was good! After helping Hawks with some paperwork I went to go help Yuki pack a bag to go to his Uncle Shoto's house and he was super excited which made me smile he was so cute after we got his bag packed he ran downstairs with his plushie of his Uncle Bakugo it was his favorite so I followed him downstairs once I got down there I saw him looking out of the window looking for his Uncle Shoto. After awhile Shoto showed up to pick up Yuki after we said goodbye to them we shut the door then I made out with Hawks after I stopped he just smiled "So how about pizza for dinner then we cuddle with a movie?" I asked "That sounds lovely." Hawks said "Great." I said so I ordered a pizza so we cuddled on the couch until the pizza showed up after that we ate the pizza together while cuddling and watching a movie after the movie ended Hawks got on top of me as he kissed me for a long time after he stopped I smiled so big "Thank you for giving me so much happiness Baby Bird." I said Hawks just blushed then said "You are welcome Love." then I kissed him and I just didn't want this moment to end because it filled me with so much happiness and it's all thanks to the love of my life Hawks who makes me the happiest man alive and I love him more than words could ever say because he means everything to me and he is my Happiness 💙

I was thinking about making a Dabi X Hawks OneShots Vol.2 book what do you guys think? 

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