Love Worth Fighting For 💛

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Dabi’s POV- I was taking care of Yuki making sure that he had everything for school when I heard a knock on the door so I walked downstairs as I opened the door and I saw four cops standing there “Are you Touya Todoroki?” The first guy asked  “Yes I am now what is this about?” I asked  “Our sources have some evidence that people have been going missing and then theri body turned up burned up to ashes now we know that’s how your quirk works so was it you?” The first guy asked me  “No that was not me I don’t do that anymore I’m a Dad now I want to set a good example for my son Yuki which reminds me I have to get him to school.” I said  they all looked at me like they didn’t believe me this wasn’t going to end well I mean I know that wasn’t me and Hawks does to I don’t kill anymore I’ve changed, but I don’t know how I was going to make them believe that! “I’m going to have to ask you to step outside Mr.Todoroki.” The first guy said “If you guys are going to arrest me at least let me get my son to school. I don’t want him to see that.” I said  “I’ll allow it, but you better not even think about running!” The first guy said  “I won’t Yuki come on Bud we have to get you to school.” I said  “Coming Papa.” Yuki said all of a sudden he ended up down the stairs then we walked out of the door as I locked it behind me then I drove Yuki to school I got out of the car and hugged him tightly “Papa loves you so much Sunshine.” I said  “I love you to Papa.” Yuki said  “Now go have a good day ok I’ll see you later and be good.” I said  “I will Papa.” Yuki said with a smile I just smiled back at him, but I was scared on the inside cause I didn’t know If I was going to be able to see him again after this, but I couldn’t give up hope just yet after all I still have Hawks on my side and he would never leave me! So I drove home and the cops were still there so I got out of the car then I walked over to them as the first guy cuffed my hands behind my back then I got read my rights then I got pushed into the police car as they took me to the station then I brought to an interrogation room then I sat down, but my wrists got cuffed in front of me then they got attached to a little chain on the floor so I couldn’t move around then a detective sat down staring at me “I didn’t do it!” I said  “Is there anyone that can back up that statement Mr.Todoroki?” He asked “Yes My husband Hawks can.” I said  “Then I’ll call him to come over here and we will all talk. You just sit tight.” He said as he called Hawks after about five minutes Hawks came rushing into the room “Are you ok Love?” Hawks asked “Yeah I’m ok now that you are here now can you please tell that detective guy that I haven’t done anything wrong!” I said  “Touya has nothing wrong and he has stopped killing people so there was no reason for the cops to arrest him. Someone was obviously trying to frame him. That is what I was looking into before I got the call to come here now is my Husband free to go?” Hawks asked as he handed the detective the evidence that he had gathered after he looked it over “You are free to go Mr. Todoroki I apologize for this misunderstanding.” He said as he unlocked the cuffs  “It’s ok.” I said  then Hawks grabbed my hand “Thank you now we must be going.” Hawks said as we quickly walked out of the station then I said “That was scary thank you Baby Bird.” I said  “You are welcome Love now come on we need to get Yuki from school he will be super happy to see us.” Hawks said  “Let's go Babe.” I said as we walked to Yuki’s school once he got he ran over to us and he hugged us after he stopped hugging Hawks he kept on hugging me “I’m so glad that you are safe Papa I was worried about you.” Yuki said “You are so sweet Sunshine, but your Dad made sure that I was just fine plus this family is a love that is worth fighting for and I will always fight for us now let's go home and get some ice cream!” I said “Yay.” Yuki said as we walked home once we were home we walked inside and got some ice cream and then we all cuddled and watched a movie after the movie was over Yuki ran upstairs to play before dinner which gave Hawks and I some alone time! He just held me close “I was scared that I was afraid that they wouldn’t believe me then they have kept you in there, but thankfully the detective is a friend and don’t worry I’ll find out who really did this so you don’t have to worry about cops again!” Hawks said  I just looked into those beautiful golden eyes and I said “I love you so much and I’m going to fight for us cause this love is worth fighting for every time.” I said  “I love you so much and I completely agree!” Hawks said  then I kissed him for a long time and he’s the reason why I changed and Yuki to and that is why today I fought so hard for because this love was worth fighting for and I have the greatest family in the world I love my boys so much they mean everything to me ❤️

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