Chapter 4: Just a Dream

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She leaned in, red cheeks and everything, with eyes as beautiful as ever. I closed my eyes and felt her soft lips. I kissed back and opened my eyes to see the blonde girl smiling at me and giggling to herself. I smiled back and leaned in for another and heard her say:

"Ginny! Ginny! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Hermione yelling for me to wake up.

"I've been trying to get you to wake for who know's how long! Why were you kissing the air, Ginny?" She asked looking, as far as I could say, frustrated.

"Probably dreaming of Harry Potter!" Exclaimed a girl. And the room was filled with laughter and giggles.

"No, I wasn't! I don't like him like that." I said still thinking about the feeling of Luna's soft lips on mine. I touched my lip and put my hand back down and sighed. I didn't like her! I couldn't!


I walked over to the great hall for breakfast and sat with Ron and his friends.

I still touched my lips every once in a while since I couldn't get the dream I had last night out of my head.

"Ginny? Why are you touching your lip?" Asked Harry.

"'s" I didn't really know how to respond. I couldn't really say I dreamt that I kissed Luna now, can I?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head and blushed as I saw her.

"Good morning. I hoped to see you here and I did! I was wondering If I could talk to you in private." She said. I admired her long, blonde hair and stared into her eyes and answered:

"Oh-I-um...s-sure." I hated myself for stuttering like a idiot in front of her.

I followed her outside the great hall and she took me to the bathroom. She looked a little upset so I smiled at her and she started:

"What I'm about to tell you is really important and you can't tell anyone at all Gin." I felt butterflies in my stomach as she called me Gin. I was wondering....what was she going to tell me?

"Ok..." I said in hopes that It wasn't anything bad.

"Well...there is this thing means I like people regardless of gender...I like personality instead." She said and I saw she started getting nervous.

"Oh ok. It's good to know." I nodded and smiled at her. I wondered what it was called to like boys and girls? I didn't want to ask her since I was too shy to.

"'re not gonna say anything else? Not a slur or a mean nickname?" She looked genuinely surprised.

"Of course not! You're a kind person and that's all that matters. Not who you're interested in." I hugged her and she whispered into my ear.

"Thank you...Gin." And she hugged me tighter.

I felt myself blushing and we both pulled away.
She seemed to look at my cheeks and tried to not smile. I looked at her eyes and she looked at mine. I then saw her look at my lips like in my dream before she kissed me so I started to talk.

"Well don't want to miss the rest of breakfast! We should...get going." I felt nervous and saw she stopped smiling afterwards. I hoped I didn't hurt her feelings so just smiled at her.


"Hey Ginny...what was Luna telling you?" Asked Ron as I sat back at the Gryffindor table.

"None of your business Ron! She told me to keep it a secret." I was so fed up with him I could beat him up right here, right now.

"Oh come on! What did she say? I don't know she's gay or something?" He asked and I tried to not react so he wouldn't catch on.

"N-no...I said it's none of your business R-Ron..." and avoided his eyes.

"Why are you stuttering? You only stutter when your she gay!?" He seemed to have realized.

"'s no-n...... she's not!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes.

"Ginny...what was your dream last night?" Asked Hermione.

I felt my breath hitch as I thought about my dream where I kissed Luna and started to blush, a lot.

" was... um.. uh..." I was too nervous to come up with a lie.

"You were kissing the air, giggling, and smiling in your dream..." Said Hermione and Ron and Harry started staring at me.

"Who were you kissing in your dream Ginny?" Asked Ron leaning forward with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Um..." I looked at Ron and at the table.

"I think there's something I should tell you guys..." I started.

"Maybe later, class starts in 2 minutes!" Exclaimed Hermione and we all ran to get on time.

I hoped none of them knew what my dream was. It meant nothing to me, but it's still embarrassing to say out loud.

842 words 🙈 don't want to keep you here too long so you can go peace out 😼

Don't be shy to give comments I'd appreciate it 😳.

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