Chapter 8: Butterflies

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"Hey Ginny." Said Hermione while getting ready for bed.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Do you like anyone? I think I do." She said.

"Oooh. Who do you like?" I avoided answering who I liked.

"Well I'll tell you tomorrow you like anyone?" She asked again.

"Yes, I do. But I won't tell you who it is." I obviously can't out Luna and myself.

And we both went to sleep of course but I just laid there with my eyes open. I was thinking of Luna. I thought of her warm embrace and finally fell asleep.


"Look! Ginny's drooling!" I woke up to those words.

I saw the girls giggling in their beds.

"Oh be quiet." I rolled my eyes and got up. Hermione had a neutral expression as always and I was happy.

I smiled every second I thought of her.

"Ginny why won't you tell me who you like? I'm just curious!" Hermione obviously wanted to know so I decided to describe her instead.

"They're special, smart, beautiful, full of joy,
nice hair, bright eyes, shorter than me, and we're very close. That's all I'm saying!" I obviously didn't say her house and said they instead of she since that would make it obvious.

"Is this person a she or a he? Or do they go by they? I just want to know and not assume." Hermione was kind like that. Every since Harry came out as bi she asked these things.

"I-I-I gotta ga-go!" I almost said gay...I COULD'VE ACCIDENTALLY SAID GAY. Good thing I didn't. I trusted her but I just wasn't ready to tell her yet.



I stood patiently outside the Gryffindor room and saw the red headed girl rush out.

"Whoa, Gin." She seemed a little stressed if I do say so myself, but seemed relieved when she saw me.

"Sorry, just...Hermione was asking who I liked and I said you had nice hair and bright eyes and didn't say she or you were a Ravenclaw. She then asked me what your gender was and I ran out of the rooms." She only paused once and said it in a bit of a rush.

"I know it's difficult to keep it a secret. It's safer this way. For us and our friends. Trust me, I know." I sighed thinking about all those hateful comments I heard in my past. I was happy nobody knew about that here in Hogwarts.

"Of course I trust you. Thanks for always being here. Although I don't say it often, I feel it." We were as close as ever now and were basically inseparable. Well as inseparable as it gets we didn't have classes together and weren't in the same houses. We were together any chance we had.


Finally lunch came and we ate quickly to hangout together in private. Since we ate fast we could roam the halls and do whatever we wanted without anyone seeing us since they were all in the great hall.

Ginny and I ran around in the halls and danced together, whispering word after word to each other and giggling at each one. I loved spending time with her because she was everything I wanted in a person. She was loving, kind, brave, and funny. She was loyal and the perfect person. I loved her endlessly and loved the feeling of her lips on mine. They were soft and warm and although I couldn't see it, I loved it. It felt amazing. Those 'butterflies' would appear in my stomach. (Only a metaphor I've heard muggles say basically meaning I like her)

She explained to me how she described me to Hermione and continued adding word after word. Each of them brightening both of our smiles. We kept dancing as we talked. I listened to every word she said. You didn't have to tell me twice to listen to her. I could do that all day.

When she finished talking I came closer to her face and kissed her. Each kiss still feels like the first. It's fascinating that she makes me feel this way with just seeing her.

I wished we could stay secret and quiet forever, dancing, whispering, and giggling.  I could continue doing this for hours but sadly we had to get to class. I couldn't wait to see her again.

She makes me happy, she truly does. I loved every second of it.


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