Chapter 9: Lay Next to Me

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The sun little up her eyes, lips, face. She smiled at me as I pointed to each star. She booped my nose and I booped her back. I giggled at her and she giggled at me, too. I loved her. This will never change. I want her to always lay next to me.

"Luna?" Said Ginny still laying next to me.

"Hm?" I was curious as to what she was going to say.

"Isn't it almost dinner?" She seemed to frown at the idea of leaving our safe space.

"I guess it is. Let's stay out here for a while more and we could go." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

I loved this moment. I didn't want it to end either. Her hand was in mine, our hair spread out on the green grass. The night sky above us.

We unfortunately got up to go to dinner. We walked over to the great hall but sadly not together. I wished I was in Gryffindor or she was in Ravenclaw so we could sit together.


"Ginny? Is that a piece of grass in your hair?" Asked Ron.

"Oh sh- I there?" I said.

"Here, let me get it." Said Hermione.

"Oh, thanks. I guess there was." I hoped they wouldn't ask why, but they did!

"Why do you have grass in your hair?" Asked Ron who furrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

"I-um- fashion choice?" I said with an awkward smile and shrugged.

He did NOT look amused. At all. He was tired of my crap.

"Haha, Ginny. So very funny. Instead of keeping secrets and lying.....why don't you....i don't know....tell us the truth? What're you hiding?" I was ruined. I can't come up with any more excuses.

"I-I..." I really was at loss of words.

"She was with me." Said a lovely voice. I knew who it was.

Yep, it was her. I recognize that voice anywhere. It was Luna.

"Luna..." I was worried now that they'd know.

"I mean we are friends after all. We were just looking at the stars." She said. Well saying we're friends maybe the won't suspect anything.

Hermione inspected me and furrowed her eyesbrows while doing so.

"I also came over here to give you this." Luna said and passed me a paper. "Open it later." She said, and skipped away back to her table.

I smiled as she skipped away and put the sealed paper in my pocket.

"Ginny." Said Hermione, her eyebrows still furrowed.

"Yes, Hermione.." I was confused. What was going on?

"Nevermind." She said and shook her head.

"Ok..." I continued my meal, very good one I might add.


This one's a shorter chapter but you WAIT until you see next chapter 😏 (NOT SMUT)

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