Paint fight!!!!!

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Laura's P.O.V

A free day- at last! And it's even better now K and Kaid have made up (although I personally thought Kaids cookies were a bit burnt...). And, as a celebration were doing out biggest prank ever! And on who? The enemy.

"I've heard their going to try and destroy our swing in the woods," Felix mumbled, a frown on his face- he looks like a kid who's lost his favourite toy-, "but I suppose it would be a good time to enter their cabin."

"But what are we gonna do to the cabin?" I ask. They all grin. Man, did I wake up that late? They explain their plan to me and we set off. The girls and I are in charge of the paint, the boys are getting the glue. Hehehe...

10:00 am: We all walk casually to the art room, Felix cracking a few jokes.

10:05 am: Once there, Jacob and I slide through the window (apparently I'm the thinnest and Jacob is the only one who is strong and can fit through. K also thinks it will make it more romantic- spy movie like, if a couple were to do it anyway.) and fetch the stuff. I pick out two tubes of bright pink, green, orange, yellow and purple and pass them out before helping Jacob and both of us back out the window.

10:10 am: Running back to the cabin, we prepare our pranks. Felix stir's the glue, Jd prepares the string, Kaid and Jacob finds the buckets and K and i run through all the places we could set them all up on. So far, we come up with one just above the door, in the shower, on all the windows and bunk beds and in some of the drawers. This is gonna be perfect!

10:25 am: Felix sees the enemy go out sniggering and talking about 'woods' and 'damn flipping swings'. He stays on guard as the rest of us set up the pranks.

10:50 am: All traps are set. It's then, that I remember Jd's gunge.

11:30 am: a package of gunge awaits on the ceiling, ready to fall if someone triggers the invisible (unless your close up) string.

11:32 am: Felix comes funning in and tells us all to hide. Many curses are sounded and thought by all.

11:33 am: hell is let lose!

Kaid's P.O.V

I stuff my knuckle into my mouth, trying to stop my laughter from being heard. Splattering, shouting, squirting, screaming- how can do much hilarious noise come from only five people? I'm not sure where the others are, somewhere in the room trying to hold laughter in as well, I presume. I'm in Matt's wardrobe. With Paint. And lots of it. Squirt. Whoopsy-daisy! Squirty-squirt. Oh dear! Squishy-Squirty-squirt. Oh no! Squi-

"You f-"

"Hey, no need for language!" I smirk as I'm pulled out my the neck, hiding paint behind my back. A red faced Matt stares at me, hands twitching, the others more it less the same- but different colours from the paint.

"I like what you've done to the hair girls," I exclaim to Nadine and Magenta, "the mixed orange and green, you look like fruit salads!"

They both slap me for that. I burst out laughing. Partly because it's pathetic of them all. Secondly, well, my mates are good at sneaking up on people. They all stand behinds one of them, paint or gunge or glue as their armour.

"Why are you laughing?!" Robin hisses, fire striking his eyes.

"'CUs your all useless at revenge!" and with that, everyone but the enemy screams:

"PAINT FIGHT!" and attacks.

Jd's P.O.V

Drinking down the last of the coke I had found in the room, I dodge over to a docking station and end up putting 'Scream and shout by Will.I.Am' on. No one seems to notice though, just continues to fight. I start to sing along to the words, squirting some paint mixed into glue and gunge ('here's some I made earlier', rings a bell) at the enemy.

"...scream and shout, let it all out, we saying oh we oh we oh we oh, we saying oh we oh we oh we oh..."

The guys are all fighting each other, Felix looking very manly over there... I'm wanting to punch Carl and kiss Felix there and then, but I see K being tortured out the corner of my eye. Magenta is slapping her continuously around the face while she messes gunge into her hair. Nadine is doing the same to Laura, stuffing them both like chickens whilst they pin them both on the wall. Anger rushes through me, fire setting fire to my blood as it travels through my veins adrenaline style. I stomp over and do the first thing that comes into my head: plonk the tortures heads together, stamp on a foot and knee each one in the belly before plonking them both on the head again before they pass out. Weaklings... Laura and K both rush to hug me in thanks and were just about to help the boys when the other half of the enemy goes flinging through the air and slams to the wall before they all land next to the other two, unconscious.

"Well that went well." Felix mutters and we laugh a little. Man, that's exhausting...

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