EP7- the defeat

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Anga held the rock and all of them ran towards the volcano in the dark lands.

Kion: everyone hurry 

they are now inside the volcano 

Kion: Akili, where are you!?

Akili: so good to hear my name from my beloved kion

Fuli: seriously? she is your enemy or lover?

Kion: who so ever she is I need to get Rani and give the rock to her 

Akili: good very smart, I like it

rani was saying no but kion still gave the rock to akili;the eagles were flying above lava with rani

Akili: wow! finally , eagles leave her

the eagles left the roots ; rani is about to fall in the fiery red lava

Kion: RANI! *he roared. his roar took rani to the rock they were standing;the same roar hit the stone and it flew and burnt into lava*

Akili: my stone! eagles why did you leave her there why not on the surface?!

Kuruka: you were the one who told us to do so

Akili[in a slow voice]: you did not have to say that here!

Kion: let's go and this is the last warning for you akili

they all left 

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