EP14-finding Fuli { part 2}

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Ono was flying high in the sky then he saw anga

Ono: anga listen

Anga: no time I need to go to kion

she was rushing

Ono: maybe she has found fuli. but I should still do my work

ono thought: of she has flown by waterfall I must look in the path of water

he went into looking for fuli , meanwhile with fuli

Fuli: oh god! i wish I had learnt how to swim no...............a rock!!??!!!

there was a big boulder just in between and fuli cannot change here direction. she crashed with the bolder and got even more injured. but she somehow managed to climb it and sat down

FulI: first got my limb injured then fell into water and now crashed with a rock can it get any worse?!!

Ono found her

Ono: fuli!!

Fuli: ono??

Ono: yes its me. i will tell kion you're here but don't move

Fuli: do you think with this condition I will move? go tell kion and come fast

Ono: affirmative

he flew off; after some flying he found kion shouting

Kion: what a useless team I have . first fuli separated and then anga is not able to find her wow do I seem a fool to you??

Anga: Makini aloe vera?

Makini: ran out of stock

Anga: means we need to her this shout a little more

Kion: and where is that foolish ono I sent him too...........

Ono: I am here and I found fuli!

Anga: thank god

ono described where  she is 

Rani: ono take the lead

they went to fuli's location

Kion: fuli i am here

Rani; don't try to jump into water . it is flowing too fast.

Kion: so what do I do?!!!!

Rosie came from behind

Rosie: first calm down and then may I help you?

Kion: can you? 

Rosie: oh yes! when I was small I used to .......

Kion: tell me what is to be done

Rosie: perhaps you should break down that tree and form a bridge for the leopard to walk on

Fuli[shouted]: CHEETAH!!

Rosie: oh well whatever

Kion: beshte something for you 

Beshte backed off a  little

Beshte: oh yes! twinde kiboko

the tree fell down and hit a little on fuli's head.she somehow managed to walk on and came out.

Fuli: kion i am sorry I will slow your speed but I am hurt and walking fast won't be easy 

Kion: it's ok well how did you get separated?

Fuli described everything.

Kion: oh no anyways let's get moving

Rosie: who will thank me?

Rani: oh ya thank you rosie

Rosie: my pleasure! and well  you can go this way it is short and will lead you out 

Kion: thanks again

Rosie: how many times should I say " my pleasure"

everyone giggled. the went through the way rosie said and went out but it took a lot of time as fuli was injured finally they are out.

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