EP15- the blizzard friend

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everyone has reached the mountain.

Kion: ono where is the Moja kwa Moja stone?

Ono: nawaza nawaza nawaza- It must be on the mountain. we should go over it 

Kion: thanks ono everyone you heard that right.

everyone started climbing. just then,

Rani{ shouted}: kion!! *and fainted*

Kion: RANI!!! [he knew rani was expecting cubs and he was the only one who knew]

but just as she fell it seemed as someone carried her but it could not be seen

Kion: what in the pridelands!!?

Fuli: we should go behind her

 just as she ran she sliped but kion got hold of her 

Kion: got ya 

Ono: I think hurrying won't help 

Kion: somebody took her in front of our eyes and you are saying to not hurry up 

Ono :I mean first we can find location where that thing took her and then proceed I mean planning?

Fuli: I think ono is right.

Kion: I don't know

Fuli: ok, anga find rani

Anga: yup, anga linga!

she flew off. fuli sees kion's eyes wet with tears 

Fuli[walks to kion]: don't worry, we will find rani.

Kion: yeah

Anga came back

Anga: nowhere to be seen

kion: what!!!!!

Fuli: we can plan something else

just then the heard a strong storm-like sound

Kion: What is it 

Ono: aupana!!  blizzard or a snowstorm!!!!

Kion: hevi kabisa

storm started. the winds threw all of them apart. kion was pushed behind a long way and he is now hanging on a cliff. someone came through the snow and said

Someone: come'on  hold my paw

Kion: who are you?!

Someone: you value your life or not

Kion: ok,

he held the paw and came up but the winds were still strong.

Someone: stomp into the snow. this way you will make strong grip. and keep your head low

the voice was of a female but she was still unseen. 

Someone: my den is nearby it is a safe place.

Kion: ok great

kion's scar hurted. just as he kept his paw on his eye he was just getting carried away by wind this creature wrapped her tail around kions limb

Someone: got ya can you not scrub your scar for a few moments

Kion: yeah, thanks.

both kept on walking, kions limb wrapped with the  tail

Someone: just on your right. 

they both went inside. then kion got to know who it was A SNOW LEOPARD

Snow leopard was taking deep breath whereas kion backed off . his posture shoed he wanted to fight

Snow leopard: oh well we did not have an intro, I am Cheshi and you

Kion: kion, 

 he said angrily and pounced to pin cheshi just then a voice from behind said

Voice: kion stop no!

it was rani; just as kion got sight of rani he ran to her

Kion: you ok? so she kidnapped you

Rani: no she helped me just as she helped you. 

Kion: you did

Cheshi[snow leopard]: yes, and I think we shall gatehr rest of your gang too. we all should go out now. stomp in the snow and shout their names just as you get response take them here.

KION and Rani: yes they both went out.. the group reunited once again.

Fuli: so she is your new friend just like jasiri

Kion: who Jasiri?

Fuli remembered what nirmala said about kion forgetting things.

Beshte: a female hyena who helped you back in the outlands?

Kion: oh! yes. from now on, you are also our friend cheshi. you have helped us.i don't know how to thank you 

Cheshi: hakuna matata

Kion: you know that ! everyone giggled.

cheshi : just as blizzard dies out, you can continue, but till then you all are my guests. 

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