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It was little Mira's 9th birthday and all of her friends were here. She was tired so she was going to the parlour to rest a little bit. The hall's of the mansion were magnificent and the mansion was her house. As she reached the parlours huge doors she heard noise behind them. Mira opened the door slightly and saw her father towering over her mother who was on her knees whimpering. Her brother was sleeping in the couch.

" You worthless piece of shit " bellowed her father at her mother.

"I-I am s-sorry" her mother whimpered .

Her father raised his hand and slapped her mother across her face. Leaving a mark on the face. He hit her again and again until her mother looked like she would pass out. Her father left her broken mother and went back to the party.

Mira ran to her crying mother and held her. Sobs wracked her mother's body.

"Sorry baby girl , I am so sorry you had to see that" her mother sobbed out. Mira's hands frosted over due to her anger(her powers are ice).

"What happened?" Mira asked. Her mother looked up her eyes red from crying. Her mother replied " This is what happens to the most of the women in the royal family of Ghede. We are beaten because we are weak."

Suddenly the whole floor around Mira frosted. Her mother looked up and said " Oh my, Mira your power is ice , we need to keep it a secret from your father or he will misuse your powers and abuse you." Then her mother sent her back to her party and told her to act like nothing happened. That night Mira was sure her father would soon start to abuse her. She thought of her 1year old baby brother , he would also be abused .

"That was the day when Mira swore not to be weak and to protect her baby brother and that was the day she started training in secret."


Hey guys, I am so sorry . I know it's short but the chapters are not short. I hope you liked this.


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