Chapter 6- Runaways

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Aidens pov
He was getting a head ache as he was listening to king Edwards council arguing about whether they should share their kingdoms water supply with his kingdom. His kingdom has been suffering from drought for the past one year and they needed water . This kingdom was closest to them and they had lot of water to spare and yet here they were arguing among themselves weather to give water to them or not.

That's when king Edwards spoke " Kingdom Findara will get our water supply as long as they promise to come to our aid during war."

Aiden hated this fool he was blood thirsty and used women as slaves. Of course the dimwit would ask for Findaras alliance , he needed more people to spare to conquer the world. Aiden was forced to accept as he had no choice . After the meeting he left for his room where Jett his second in command and his best friend awaited him.
"So" his best friend said.
"We have their water supply as long as we aid them in war" Aiden said.
" of course the old senile would ask for allience" Jett commented as they retreated to their bedrooms to get ready for the feast. After a hot shower and a bit hair styling Aiden was ready.

He and Jett made their way to the feast , out of nowhere lady Katrina popped out. Even though Aiden did not like lady Katrina he politely kissed the back of her hand , she smelt of over expensive powder and it took everything in him to not to choke on the smell. Then Aiden ,Jett and lady Katrina made their way to the food table , all the while lady Katrina flirted shamelessly with him. Once she realised Aiden wasn't going to pay attention to her she turned and flirted with Jett who ignored her completely. King Edwards came to him and greeted him . Katrina batted her eyelashes at him.

Lady Katrina's dress ⬆️"I hope you are planning to aid us in the battle against lavendero next month" king Edwards said

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Lady Katrina's dress ⬆️
"I hope you are planning to aid us in the battle against lavendero next month" king Edwards said.
"Of course he would , after all he offered us his allience" lady Katrina said.
"You should not be worried of the loss of your men there wouldn't much" king Edwards offered.
"Oh! I know there won't be much there never was as always king Edwards would win" Katrina interjected putting her hand on Aidens shoulder.

"King edwards , I almost forgot" lady Katrina exclaimed
"What is it my dear" king Edwards questioned .
"Someone stole two of my dresses" Katrina whined close to tears. Whoever stole her dresses has done a good job, a spoilt brat like Katrina deserved it .This whining went on for a while , all this time Aiden and Jett were eating silently.

When king Edwards left , Katrina turned towards them and opened her mouth to say something when a man came and asked her for a dance which she readily accepted. Afraid of Katrina flirting with them again they snuck out into a balcony and they were not alone.

Two girls were sitting on the ground and eating. Aidens eyes were captured by those forest green eyes, he shook his head trying to come out from the trance. Looking at the food in their plates his stomach growled loud and proud, he did not eat much as Katrina was rambling on and on. The green eyed girl chuckled while the other girl had a stone face. The green eyed girl was eating like she hadn't eaten for days.

She tilted her head to the side and asked him " Have you never seen a girl eat."
"I have seen a girl eat plenty times but never one who eats like a beast" He replied.
"I do not eat like a beast but your stomach does growl like a beast ." She huffed and continued to eat.
What intrigued Aiden the most was that she had very little lady like qualities and had wit which most women lacked. Almost all of the women were either flirty or quite.

"What's are your names?" He asked.
"Why should we tell you." The red eyed girl countered .
"Do you know who you are speaking to ?" Jett asked.

"Are we suppose to know?" Asked the red eyed girl her eyes trained on Jett making him squirm. It was quite funny because no one was able to intimidate Jett. Then Jett turned his attention to the green eyed girl and said "I know you , you are Mira ghede and you are wanted there are posters everywhere."

Mira paled slightly and muttered "oh no" to herself . Aiden remembered there was a girl who went missing from home and her father was searching for her. He had a doubt that she didn't want to go home for some reason.

"Why don't you want to go back home" Aiden asked Mira.
"Who told you that I don't want to go back home ?" she said.
"Your expression." he said .
She looked up at him and said "no I don't, what are you going to do about it ?"
"Why not?" He asked
"None of your business ."
"Well I will just inform your father and the guards that you are here." He said haughtily.
"No I will tell you." she replied barely a whisper . The other girl scowled at him.
"My father had fixed an engagement"  she started , "I don't like it so I ran away." Aiden was confused many people married their children against their wishes but no one dared to runaway like her . And by Jetts expression he was also thinking the same "And what about you ." Jett asked the red eyed girl.

The girl proceeded to tell her story on how her fathers best friend killed her family for their lands and is also after her now and by the end of the story Aiden concluded they were a weird duo.
They were all silent for a while and that silence was broken by king Edwards who was searching for Aiden. When king Edwards bursted through the balcony doors he started rambling on how long he was searching for Aiden, only then did he realise there were two girls sitting on the floor.

"Who are they?" king Edwards asked.
" Our companions ."Aiden replied.
"Two women as your companions." Edwards asked incredulously not believing him .
"Yes one of them is a healer and the other one is a maid who cooks." Aiden replied coolly.
"Ok ."  King Edwards left them reluctantly.

"Let's make a deal , you girls come with us" Aiden started "or we inform the guards." Jett finished. This was common Jett and Aiden always finished their sentences. The girls shared a look and Isha replied affirmative as they had no other choice.
"First you both are going to have a bath you both smell like rotten fish ."Aiden called out to them as he turned towards the balcony doors. The four of them left to Aidens and Jetts suite. Aiden didn't know why he asked the girls to accompany them but his gut was telling him to do so and his guts saved his life more than his wits but they were girls what much could they do.

Once they reached their suits Jett asked "where did you get your dresses ?" . Mira looked down and murmured "lady Katrina" . That's when Jett and Aiden bursted out laughing like maniacs.
"Well done , well done" Jett wheezed between his laughs. The girls looked at each other and rolled their eyes.Then they went for their baths.
Then Isha went into Jetts suit for a bath and Mira into Aidens while the boys waited outside talking about the turn of events today.

Isha came out after a couple of minutes and Mira came out after what seemed hours.

"You took your sweet time in there" Aiden said, his eyes fixed on Mira's face. "I bet you looked like a raisin for quite a while."

She huffed but didn't make any move to deny what he said.

Then they decided that the girls will sleep in Jetts room and boys in Aidens room. They will ride at dawn to reach Findara. Once Aiden was lying on his bed , he thought about his day . This was the most entertaining day he had in his life. His life was always being guarded or being watched by his foes for his mistakes. This way he fell asleep.

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