Chapter 2- Escape

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Mira's pov

It was midnight at last . Woo ... hoo !  Mira  grabbed her backpack. She was wearing a black outfit . It was high neck leather suit with long tight sleeves . She wore boots and there were blades hidden all over her dress.

She jumped through her balcony, it was easy as her room was only one storey up. She started running towards her house's compound wall, she jumped over it. That's when two people came and turned around the corner and spotted her.

"Thief","thief" they shouted . Uhhhhh...dumb people.

Mira banged both of their heads together before they could use their powers making them unconscious. They were her fathers loyal people , who were as cruel as her father. Mira started walking towards Aziz's shop. Aziz sold horses, those horses were fast and strong. The shop was small but Aziz was the only one who she could trust to not to inform her father. When she reached his shop Aziz spotted her.

"Mira , what are you doing here at this time of the night?" Aziz asked.

"Running away" She said.

"Why ?" He asked.

"My father has treated my mother like shit and is trying to marry me of to a maniac, Aren't they enough to run away . So I need a horse now ." She replied.

"Um okay, take some rest then I will bring a horse after I prepare it for your journey." He said and left so Mira sat on a wooden stool. Mira waited for awhile when Aziz didn't return , she went in search of him. She saw him talking to her father through iris message. The bowl which held the water also held the image of her father. Aziz was informing her father that she was here and her father should come to get her soon .

Why can't she trust anyone . Aziz really , why him , what would he gain through this. That's when She heard Aziz say "As you said I befriended her and kept an eye on her , when will I get my payment." Their  friendship was all  a lie . He was her only friend how could he do this. She turned back and went to the stable . She quietly brought a black horse with a crescent moon shape on its fore head in white. The name of the horse was Raven. She mounted Raven and started galloping wherever she could go as long as it is far away from this place.

She didn't want to admit but she was hurt , Aziz was her only friend even though he didn't know about her powers. Honestly, no matter how hard she trained its protection was only physically and not emotionally.

She rode for a couple of hours , she was tired and hungry . Her muscles were aching. It was past midnight, the horse was trotting in a slow pace. At a distance She saw smoke , it meant there were people. She headed towards the smoke ,that's when she realised the smoke was not coming from a bonfire but from the burning houses.

The sight was horrible , blood was everywhere. There were men covered in black clothes from head to toe. Near the entrance there was a man in bleach cape , he was shouting orders. She realised that they were killing the men and captivating the women and the children. There was no way she could get out of this as she was already in the village. She climbed down the horse , thank god no one saw . She grabbed near by clothes and put them on on top of her own clothes . The dress was loose almost like a bag, it had long sleeves that reached up to her wrist.

Then she grabbed some dirt from the ground and rubbed it all over her face and arms. Thank god the dress were covering the boots. That's when a guard came in and said " what are you doing here you filth." He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out. She didn't protest , She knew if She wanted she could kill him then and there but not all of them. He threw her with the rest of the women and children in a cage or something.

Every one around looked scared. She wished even common people had powers . No , not every one has powers only high rank people. Her mother didn't as she wasn't high rank before marrying her father but people could inherit powers. It also looks like the people kidnapping them were not of a very high rank as they had only little power. Yes amount of power also depends on the rank , the higher the rank stronger the power.

That's when some one hit hard on her head , She saw black spots before blacking out.

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