Chapter 8- Attacks

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Aidens pov

The creature before them was beautiful in a dark way it had long black fur that turned into black smoke at the end it had glowing red eyes and it looked like a wolf. Now Aiden was sounding like an evil person who had an obsession with dark things but what can he do all he said was true .

The creature suddenly pounced on them . His horse moved out of the way in fear of the animal,  him and the others scattered in all directions. He threw a dragger at the creature  but the dragger went right through it.  The creature charged  on towards Isha and her horse abruptly reared back throwing Isha to the ground. Instantly the creature locked its eyes on Isha. It went for her but Isha moved out of the way in the last second.  He made fireballs and hurled them towards the wolf. It screeched as the fire ball touched its leg making its leg disappear. It turned its red eyes towards Aiden and howled in anger.

As the wolf pounced on him , he dodged. He nodded to Jett indicating him to attack along with him. As they both attacked together with Aidens's fire and Jett's lightning they were able to destroy it but it took too much of their energy. Aiden felt as if he was about to pass out anytime. He turned towards Isha and Mira and asked them if they were ok. 

"We are fine but I think you both should rest a bit you look exhausted." Mira said. Aiden merely nodded. They all stopped at a clearing to take some rest. Aiden fell asleep as soon as his head touched the ground, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Aiden woke up with a jolt as he heard a loud bang. When he opened his eyes he saw bat like creatures surrounding them. They had the same texture as the wolf with red ruby like eyes. But this time they didn't attack but they kept surrounding them colliding into each other making bang sounds. The rest of them were already  awake and were staring wide eyed at the creatures. Suddenly a voice came from all the creatures at the same time. " I will come for you Dark one , you cannot escape me no matter how far you run." The voice came from the bats , it looked like someone was sending a message to them through the bats. Then the most surprising thing happened , the bats turned into the dust and vanished after that.

For a couple of minutes everyone was silent digesting the message and that silence was broken by Mira by saying "Welp! That was scary and intimidating." "Thanks for stating the obvious." Aiden shooted back. He was not this irritated by people and usually kept his cool but with Mira he just couldn't help it. She  got under his skin and he didn't know why.

"Well, who is this Dark one?" Isha asked . The question going on in everybody mind. they all exchanged looks and shrugged their shoulders. "Whoever he is sounded very powerful" Jett said.

"It looks as if the mystery person thought that one of us is the Dark one." Mira stated.

"But it seems as if none of us the dark one." Aiden continued lookin at their faces.

"Maybe it was an misunderstanding." Jett said shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever can we get some food first." Isha said rolling her eyes.

"OOooh.. some one is hangry." Jet said wriggling his eyebrows.

"I am not hangry, just hungry." Isha huffed.

"OK, enough lets have somethin to eat" Aiden interrupts before Jett can say anything.

"Fine, I'll go hunt something." Jett said and went into the groove of tall trees.

"Why don't you have a crew of people to do things for you." Mira asked Aiden.

"Now where is the fun in that." Aiden replied smirking. Mira rolled her eyes. After sometime Jett came back with a wild boar. Isha had started a fire , they roasted the boar and ate the meat. 

After eating they sat for a while . Then they went to drink some water from the river , their legs were submerged in the river water . Suddenly some thing coiled around their legs and started pulling them into the water. Aiden gasped for air as he went underwater. Coral hunter were coiled around their legs. Coral hunter was a parasitic plant which attacked their preys pulling them underwater before sucking their blood away .

Aiden thrashed around but no avail. He started seeing black spots before he lost conscious.

----  CLIFF HANGER  ----

NOTE: Hungry + Angry = Hangry

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