Moving In

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                                                                                 ~Teruteru POV~

We had finally gotten everything unpacked and put away. We moved here because there was too many people coming to the restaurant and trying to talk to Momma and it was overwhelming her, so we decided to move here and kinda restart the restaurant. "Teruteru, Hon, I'm goin' to bed now, My legs are startin' to hurt." Momma said

"Aight..! I'm gonna go take a walk now..!" I say back

I walk outside and feel the cold air of a fall evening hit my face. I forgot how cold it actually was but whatever, I'm not gonna go back inside to grab a jacket. I walk around the neighborhood. It's actually really nice and quiet. Lot's of trees, bushes, flowers, and....a man sitting on a bench? He's a lot taller than me, well, I'm 4,3 so I guess that makes sense. He has a small drawing tablet and a stylus and he seems to be drawing something. I decide to sit beside him. "Hello..~" I say, masking my Southern accent.

The man jumped a little when he heard my voice and he quickly turned his head to look at me. "O...Oh...! Hello..! I'm Hifumi...! What's your name..?" he asked with a slight smile

"Teruteru Hanamura~" I reply with a smirk "I hope we can be friends....Close friends~"

His smile widens a bit. "Ok...! What kind of things do you like to do?" He asks, obviously unaware that I was flirting with him

"uh....I like to cook...!" I say

"That's really cool...! I like to write fanfictions....Draw anime girls...well....and sometimes anime boys....and uh....I also like reading manga and watching anime..! I think it's so interesting how people can draw such beautiful women...even when it's not realistic...! I'm thinking about learning Japanese so that I don't have to read subtitles anymore! My favorite anime and manga is Pretty Pudgy Princess! and...and...Princess Piggles is my waifu...!! do you know what a waifu is..? You probably don' a waifu is an anime girl that you really really love! Like uh....I....kinda....have a crush on Princess Piggles....but that's only because she's really cool like do you watch anime...? or do you watch Pretty Pudgy Princess..?" he rambled

I was really confused. What's anime? What's Manga? What's fanfiction? "I....Don't know what any of that is...-" I say

His eyes widened. "oh..! so fanfiction is like a story based off of maybe another story, movie, TV show, game, or other stuff...! Anime is a Japanese cartoon and Manga is like a Japanese comic book!"

"oh...that seems cool...!" I say

Suddenly, a somewhat dirty thought came to mind.

"is there anime?-" I ask

"uh...yeah sometimes...! It's called hentai..-" Hifumi responds

A wide smile crossed my face "hm....I'll definitely have to watch it..~" I say back

Hifumi begins shaking his hands a ton. "what are you doing?-" I ask

"o..oh...! I'm stimming...! I...have autism-" he says back

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